Are glucose levels, glucose variability and autonomic control influenced by inspiratory muscle exercise in patients with type 2 diabetes? Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

Aso Schein, Aps Correa, Karina Rabello Casali, Beatriz D Schaan, Aso Schein, Aps Correa, Karina Rabello Casali, Beatriz D Schaan


Background: Physical exercise reduces glucose levels and glucose variability in patients with type 2 diabetes. Acute inspiratory muscle exercise has been shown to reduce these parameters in a small group of patients with type 2 diabetes, but these results have yet to be confirmed in a well-designed study. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of acute inspiratory muscle exercise on glucose levels, glucose variability, and cardiovascular autonomic function in patients with type 2 diabetes.

Methods/design: This study will use a randomized clinical trial crossover design. A total of 14 subjects will be recruited and randomly allocated to two groups to perform acute inspiratory muscle loading at 2 % of maximal inspiratory pressure (PImax, placebo load) or 60 % of PImax (experimental load).

Discussion: Inspiratory muscle training could be a novel exercise modality to be used to decrease glucose levels and glucose variability.

Trial registration: NCT02292810 .


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Source: PubMed

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