Lung cancer in Brazil

Luiz Henrique Araujo, Clarissa Baldotto, Gilberto de Castro Jr, Artur Katz, Carlos Gil Ferreira, Clarissa Mathias, Eldsamira Mascarenhas, Gilberto de Lima Lopes, Heloisa Carvalho, Jaques Tabacof, Jeovany Martínez-Mesa, Luciano de Souza Viana, Marcelo de Souza Cruz, Mauro Zukin, Pedro De Marchi, Ricardo Mingarini Terra, Ronaldo Albuquerque Ribeiro, Vladmir Cláudio Cordeiro de Lima, Gustavo Werutsky, Carlos Henrique Barrios, Grupo Brasileiro de Oncologia Torácica, Luiz Henrique Araujo, Clarissa Baldotto, Gilberto de Castro Jr, Artur Katz, Carlos Gil Ferreira, Clarissa Mathias, Eldsamira Mascarenhas, Gilberto de Lima Lopes, Heloisa Carvalho, Jaques Tabacof, Jeovany Martínez-Mesa, Luciano de Souza Viana, Marcelo de Souza Cruz, Mauro Zukin, Pedro De Marchi, Ricardo Mingarini Terra, Ronaldo Albuquerque Ribeiro, Vladmir Cláudio Cordeiro de Lima, Gustavo Werutsky, Carlos Henrique Barrios, Grupo Brasileiro de Oncologia Torácica


Lung cancer is one of the most incident types of cancer and a leading cause of cancer mortality in Brazil. We reviewed the current status of lung cancer by searching relevant data on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment in the country. This review highlights several issues that need to be addressed, including smoking control, patient lack of awareness, late diagnosis, and disparities in the access to cancer health care facilities in Brazil. We propose strategies to help overcome these limitations and challenge health care providers, as well as the society and governmental representatives, to work together and to take a step forward in fighting lung cancer.


Figure 1. Brazilian National Cancer Institute estimate…
Figure 1. Brazilian National Cancer Institute estimate for new cancer cases in 2016 by gender. Adapted from Instituto Nacional de Câncer José Alencar Gomes da Silva.
Figure 2. Crude and age-adjusted lung cancer…
Figure 2. Crude and age-adjusted lung cancer mortality rates by gender. Brazil, 1980-2007.
Figure 3. Prevalence of EGFR mutations around…
Figure 3. Prevalence of EGFR mutations around the world. EGFR mutations are in general more prevalent in Asian countries, whereas Latin American countries tend to have an intermediate prevalence between Asia and Europe/North-America. NR: not reported. Adapted from Werustky et al.


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