Uncovering the Concerns and Needs of Individuals with Celiac Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study

Maialen Vázquez-Polo, Virginia Navarro, Idoia Larretxi, Gesala Perez-Junkera, Arrate Lasa, Silvia Matias, Edurne Simon, Itziar Churruca, Maialen Vázquez-Polo, Virginia Navarro, Idoia Larretxi, Gesala Perez-Junkera, Arrate Lasa, Silvia Matias, Edurne Simon, Itziar Churruca


The treatment for celiac disease (CD) involves a strict gluten-free diet, which can be challenging and lead to questions for patients. Pinpointing these uncertainties can enable the creation of efficient educational resources. In this study, a questionnaire was specifically designed to gain insights into the knowledge, concerns, and needs of individuals with CD and their supporters. The questionnaire was distributed through the Instagram social network and received adequate responses from 300 participants, 258 (86%) being female and 152 (50.7%) falling in the age range of 25-44 years. The concerns of individuals with celiac disease and celiac supporters were rated on a 1-4 scale, with a mean score of 3.5 indicating significant concern. A total of 255 (85%) of all participants expressed that their principal concern was the social limitations they faced, such as difficulties in eating out and sharing food with others. Every participant evaluated their overall disease knowledge, averaging at 2.92 out of 4, indicating a reasonable level of awareness. When asked if they believed that improving general knowledge about CD in the general population would enhance their quality of life, the vast majority responded affirmatively. This finding underscores the importance of not only educating individuals with CD but also reaching out to the wider population, especially those who have a direct impact on the daily lives of individuals with CD, such as family members, friends, and food service providers.

Keywords: celiac disease; gluten-free diet; health education; nutritional education.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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