Cancer survivorship needs in Brazil: Patient and family perspective

Antonio Tadeu Cheriff Dos Santos, Rildo Pereira da Silva, Liz Maria de Almeida, Maria Lúcia Magalhães Bosi, Maria de Fátima Batalha de Menezes, Marcia Marília Vargas Fróes Skaba, Gustavo Nigenda, Carlos André Moura Arruda, Cleoneide Paulo Oliveira Pinheiro, María Cecilia González-Robledo, Felícia Marie Knaul, Antonio Tadeu Cheriff Dos Santos, Rildo Pereira da Silva, Liz Maria de Almeida, Maria Lúcia Magalhães Bosi, Maria de Fátima Batalha de Menezes, Marcia Marília Vargas Fróes Skaba, Gustavo Nigenda, Carlos André Moura Arruda, Cleoneide Paulo Oliveira Pinheiro, María Cecilia González-Robledo, Felícia Marie Knaul


Introduction: Cancer Survivorship is a growing public health challenge. Effective responses from health care and social services depend on appropriate identification of survivors and their families´ specific needs. There are few studies on survivorship in low and middle-income countries, therefore, more evidence-based studies are necessary to develop a comprehensive approach to cancer survivorship.

Objectives: Identify the needs of cancer survivors and their relatives, specifically those of individuals with breast, cervical or prostate cancer, and with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL).

Methods: A qualitative, exploratory study conducted in two referral institutions in Brazil, located in Rio de Janeiro (Southeast region) and Fortaleza (Northeast region). The study included 47 patients of public and private health services and 12 family members. We used script-based semi-structured interviews. The discursive material obtained was categorized and analyzed using the Thematic Analysis approach.

Results: The analysis identified three central themes: 1) consequences of cancer treatment; 2) Changes in daily life associated with cancer survivorship; and 3) Unmet structural needs in cancer survivorship.

Conclusion: Social and cancer control policies in Brazil should provide resources, specific care standards and clinical, psychological and social support. Cancer survivors should also receive rehabilitation and work reintegration guidelines. This matter requires broader access to qualified cancer information, development of an integrated patient-centered care and care model, and more research resources for the country's post-treatment cancer period.

Conflict of interest statement

I have read the journal policy and the author of this manuscript have the following potential conflicts: FMK has been receiving research funding and support through the Mexican Health Foundation since 2009 from multiple donors, including pharmaceutical companies like Roche, Pfizer, Novartis, Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline Oncology and EMD Serono and travel support from Roche. FMK is president of Tomatelo a Pecho, A.C., a non-governmental institution that promotes early detection of breast cancer in Mexico and throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. This does not change our adherence to PLOS ONE policies for sharing data and materials. I, as the corresponding author and the other authors, declare no conflicts of interest.


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