Functional connectivity during frustration: a preliminary study of predictive modeling of irritability in youth

Dustin Scheinost, Javid Dadashkarimi, Emily S Finn, Caroline G Wambach, Caroline MacGillivray, Alexandra L Roule, Tara A Niendam, Daniel S Pine, Melissa A Brotman, Ellen Leibenluft, Wan-Ling Tseng, Dustin Scheinost, Javid Dadashkarimi, Emily S Finn, Caroline G Wambach, Caroline MacGillivray, Alexandra L Roule, Tara A Niendam, Daniel S Pine, Melissa A Brotman, Ellen Leibenluft, Wan-Ling Tseng


Irritability cuts across many pediatric disorders and is a common presenting complaint in child psychiatry; however, its neural mechanisms remain unclear. One core pathophysiological deficit of irritability is aberrant responses to frustrative nonreward. Here, we conducted a preliminary fMRI study to examine the ability of functional connectivity during frustrative nonreward to predict irritability in a transdiagnostic sample. This study included 69 youths (mean age = 14.55 years) with varying levels of irritability across diagnostic groups: disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (n = 20), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (n = 14), anxiety disorder (n = 12), and controls (n = 23). During fMRI, participants completed a frustrating cognitive flexibility task. Frustration was evoked by manipulating task difficulty such that, on trials requiring cognitive flexibility, "frustration" blocks had a 50% error rate and some rigged feedback, while "nonfrustration" blocks had a 10% error rate. Frustration and nonfrustration blocks were randomly interspersed. Child and parent reports of the affective reactivity index were used as dimensional measures of irritability. Connectome-based predictive modeling, a machine learning approach, with tenfold cross-validation was conducted to identify networks predicting irritability. Connectivity during frustration (but not nonfrustration) blocks predicted child-reported irritability (ρ = 0.24, root mean square error = 2.02, p = 0.03, permutation testing, 1000 iterations, one-tailed). Results were adjusted for age, sex, medications, motion, ADHD, and anxiety symptoms. The predictive networks of irritability were primarily within motor-sensory networks; among motor-sensory, subcortical, and salience networks; and between these networks and frontoparietal and medial frontal networks. This study provides preliminary evidence that individual differences in irritability may be associated with functional connectivity during frustration, a phenotype-relevant state.

Trial registration: NCT00006177 NCT00018057 NCT00025935.


Fig. 1. Trial timing and structure during…
Fig. 1. Trial timing and structure during the modified change-signal task.
ITI intertrial interval.
Fig. 2. Correlation between observed ( x…
Fig. 2. Correlation between observed (x-axis) and predicted (y-axis) irritability generated using CPM.
RMSE root mean square error. Shaded area represents 95% confidence interval.
Fig. 3. CPM predicts irritability.
Fig. 3. CPM predicts irritability.
A Edges that contributed to the CPM model organized by macroscopic brain regions. To help visualizing these complex networks, edges only belonging to nodes with five or more edges (degree ≥ 5; middle) and 10 or more edges (degree ≥ 10; right) are also shown. B Visualization of node degree (i.e., the sum of predictive edges for a node for the positive networks). Darker color indicates higher degree. C Within and between network connectivity for the positive network. Cells represent the total number of edges connecting nodes within and between each network, with darker colors indicating a greater number of edges. As the negative network did not contribute to prediction, only the positive network is shown in all visualizations. Visualization created using BioImage Suite Web, MF medial frontal, FP frontoparietal, DMN default mode network, Mot motor/sensory, VI visual A, VII visual B, VAs visual association, SAL salience, SC subcortical, CBL cerebellum.


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Source: PubMed

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