Inflammation-Related Carcinogenesis: Lessons from Animal Models to Clinical Aspects

Futoshi Okada, Runa Izutsu, Keisuke Goto, Mitsuhiko Osaki, Futoshi Okada, Runa Izutsu, Keisuke Goto, Mitsuhiko Osaki


Inflammation-related carcinogenesis has long been known as one of the carcinogenesis patterns in humans. Common carcinogenic factors are inflammation caused by infection with pathogens or the uptake of foreign substances from the environment into the body. Inflammation-related carcinogenesis as a cause for cancer-related death worldwide accounts for approximately 20%, and the incidence varies widely by continent, country, and even region of the country and can be affected by economic status or development. Many novel approaches are currently available concerning the development of animal models to elucidate inflammation-related carcinogenesis. By learning from the oldest to the latest animal models for each organ, we sought to uncover the essential common causes of inflammation-related carcinogenesis. This review confirmed that a common etiology of organ-specific animal models that mimic human inflammation-related carcinogenesis is prolonged exudation of inflammatory cells. Genotoxicity or epigenetic modifications by inflammatory cells resulted in gene mutations or altered gene expression, respectively. Inflammatory cytokines/growth factors released from inflammatory cells promote cell proliferation and repair tissue injury, and inflammation serves as a "carcinogenic niche", because these fundamental biological events are common to all types of carcinogenesis, not just inflammation-related carcinogenesis. Since clinical strategies are needed to prevent carcinogenesis, we propose the therapeutic apheresis of inflammatory cells as a means of eliminating fundamental cause of inflammation-related carcinogenesis.

Keywords: animal models; inflammation-related carcinogenesis; therapeutic apheresis.

Conflict of interest statement

We declare that there are no financial or other interests with regards to this manuscript that might be construed as a conflict of interest.


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