Gut Microbiota and Brain Function: An Evolving Field in Neuroscience

Jane A Foster, Mark Lyte, Emeran Meyer, John F Cryan, Jane A Foster, Mark Lyte, Emeran Meyer, John F Cryan


There is a growing appreciation of the importance of gut microbiota to health and disease. This has been driven by advances in sequencing technology and recent findings demonstrating the important role of microbiota in common health disorders such as obesity. Moreover, the potential role of gut microbiota in influencing brain function, behavior, and mental health has attracted the attention of neuroscientists and psychiatrists. At the 29(th) International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP) World Congress held in Vancouver, Canada, in June 2014, a group of experts presented the symposium, "Gut microbiota and brain function: Relevance to psychiatric disorders" to review the latest findings in how gut microbiota may play a role in brain function, behavior, and disease. The symposium covered a broad range of topics, including gut microbiota and neuroendocrine function, the influence of gut microbiota on behavior, probiotics as regulators of brain and behavior, and imaging the gut-brain axis in humans. This report provides an overview of these presentations.

Keywords: Behavior; MRI; brain imaging; immune; neuroendocrine; probiotic.

© The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of CINP.


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