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Manual Therapy Dosage Factorial Study

2015年9月22日 更新者:McMaster University

This study will determine biological responses to different dosages of neck mobilization intervention in patients, providing opportunities to identify the optimal dosage, predictors of response, outcome measures as well as the longitudinal changes in biology.

Subjects with acute whiplash associated disorders (WAD) II and III with a symptom duration of less than 30 days (acute) or 30 to 90 days (subacute) will be randomly assigned to receive different doses of mobilization. The dosage treatment groups will differ in the number of sessions (1, 2 or 3 times per week) and the duration of treatment (duration of treatment intervention will be 3, 6, or 12 weeks). A zero treatment/week option is included to insure that the impact of any mobilization is included and because previous studies suggest a single mobilization may have a treatment effect.

All patient participants will receive a core standard treatment of education, advice to stay active, and neck/postural stretching and strengthening exercise. All patient participants will receive supervised exercise and advice for the full 12 weeks. All patients will be provided with an instructional CD and exercise brochure to reinforce the whole program.

Follow-up assessments will consist of quantitative sensory testing (vibration threshold; current perception threshold), the Neck Walk Index (NWI), the Upper Cyclical Reach and Grasp Task, muscle biology analyses (cytokine analyses), central breathing control tests (capnography), range of motion, head flexion endurance, and self-report symptoms and disability (Visual Analogue Scale; Neck Disability Index; Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, Hand; pain threshold and tolerance algometry; and perceived self-efficacy; SF-36).

Hypothesis: During recovery, patient are expected to transition from an acute painful state to one where they can resume normal activity and add intensive strengthening exercises.








  • フェーズ2
  • フェーズ 3




    • Ontario
      • Hamilton、Ontario、カナダ、L8S 1C7
        • McMaster University





21年~60年 (大人)






Inclusion Criteria:

  • acute whiplash associated disorders (WAD) II and III (113) with a symptom duration of less than 30 days or subacute (30 to 90 days)
  • pain in the neck but may radiate to the shoulder region or upper extremities or have an associated headache
  • pain intensity must be at or above 30 mm on a 100 mm visual analogue scale
  • must be a new episode of pain with ,no other occurrences of neck pain requiring treatment in the previous 4 months.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • arthritis, neurological diseases, fractures, dislocation, rheumatoid arthritis, long tract signs and malignancy
  • conditions that make the provision of neck exercise unsafe





  • 主な目的:処理
  • 割り当て:ランダム化
  • 介入モデル:階乗代入
  • マスキング:ダブル


参加者グループ / アーム
Zero treatment/3 weeks
Frequency of Mobilization:1/week Duration of Mobilization Treatment: 3 weeks
Mobilizations are passive movements performed in such a manner that the patient can volitionally prevent the movement. Types of mobilization include: a) passive oscillatory movements (2-3 Hz) of small or large amplitude, applied anywhere in a range of movement, typically for anything between 30 seconds and several minutes depending on the response and desired effects, and b) sustained stretching (glides) with or without tiny amplitude oscillations at the limit of the range.
Frequency of Mobilization: 1/week Duration of Mobilization Treatment: 6 weeks
Mobilizations are passive movements performed in such a manner that the patient can volitionally prevent the movement. Types of mobilization include: a) passive oscillatory movements (2-3 Hz) of small or large amplitude, applied anywhere in a range of movement, typically for anything between 30 seconds and several minutes depending on the response and desired effects, and b) sustained stretching (glides) with or without tiny amplitude oscillations at the limit of the range.
Frequency of Mobilization: 1/week Duration of Mobilization Treatment: 12 weeks
Mobilizations are passive movements performed in such a manner that the patient can volitionally prevent the movement. Types of mobilization include: a) passive oscillatory movements (2-3 Hz) of small or large amplitude, applied anywhere in a range of movement, typically for anything between 30 seconds and several minutes depending on the response and desired effects, and b) sustained stretching (glides) with or without tiny amplitude oscillations at the limit of the range.
Frequency of Mobilization: 2/week Duration of Mobilization Treatment: 3 weeks
Mobilizations are passive movements performed in such a manner that the patient can volitionally prevent the movement. Types of mobilization include: a) passive oscillatory movements (2-3 Hz) of small or large amplitude, applied anywhere in a range of movement, typically for anything between 30 seconds and several minutes depending on the response and desired effects, and b) sustained stretching (glides) with or without tiny amplitude oscillations at the limit of the range.
Frequency of Mobilization: 2/week Duration of Mobilization Treatment:6 weeks
Mobilizations are passive movements performed in such a manner that the patient can volitionally prevent the movement. Types of mobilization include: a) passive oscillatory movements (2-3 Hz) of small or large amplitude, applied anywhere in a range of movement, typically for anything between 30 seconds and several minutes depending on the response and desired effects, and b) sustained stretching (glides) with or without tiny amplitude oscillations at the limit of the range.
Frequency of Mobilization: 2/week Duration of Mobilization Treatment: 12 weeks
Mobilizations are passive movements performed in such a manner that the patient can volitionally prevent the movement. Types of mobilization include: a) passive oscillatory movements (2-3 Hz) of small or large amplitude, applied anywhere in a range of movement, typically for anything between 30 seconds and several minutes depending on the response and desired effects, and b) sustained stretching (glides) with or without tiny amplitude oscillations at the limit of the range.
Frequency of Mobilization: 3/week Duration of Mobilization Treatment: 3 weeks
Mobilizations are passive movements performed in such a manner that the patient can volitionally prevent the movement. Types of mobilization include: a) passive oscillatory movements (2-3 Hz) of small or large amplitude, applied anywhere in a range of movement, typically for anything between 30 seconds and several minutes depending on the response and desired effects, and b) sustained stretching (glides) with or without tiny amplitude oscillations at the limit of the range.
Frequency of Mobilization: 3/week Duration of Mobilization Treatment:6 weeks
Mobilizations are passive movements performed in such a manner that the patient can volitionally prevent the movement. Types of mobilization include: a) passive oscillatory movements (2-3 Hz) of small or large amplitude, applied anywhere in a range of movement, typically for anything between 30 seconds and several minutes depending on the response and desired effects, and b) sustained stretching (glides) with or without tiny amplitude oscillations at the limit of the range.
Frequency of Mobilization: 3/week Duration of Mobilization Treatment:12 weeks
Mobilizations are passive movements performed in such a manner that the patient can volitionally prevent the movement. Types of mobilization include: a) passive oscillatory movements (2-3 Hz) of small or large amplitude, applied anywhere in a range of movement, typically for anything between 30 seconds and several minutes depending on the response and desired effects, and b) sustained stretching (glides) with or without tiny amplitude oscillations at the limit of the range.
Zero treatment/6 weeks
Zero treatment/12 weeks



Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST)
時間枠:Within 24 weeks
Within 24 weeks
Current Perception Threshold (CPT)
時間枠:Within 24 weeks
Within 24 weeks
Neck Walk Index (NWI)
時間枠:Within 24 weeks
Within 24 weeks
Cyclical Reach and Grasp Test (CRGT)
時間枠:Within 24 weeks
Within 24 weeks
Muscle Biology (cytokine analyses)
時間枠:Within 24 weeks
Within 24 weeks
Central Breathing Control Test
時間枠:Within 24 weeks
Within 24 weeks
Neck Disability Index
時間枠:Within 24 weeks
Within 24 weeks
Pain Intensity - Visual Analogue Scale (VAS)
時間枠:Within 24 weeks
Within 24 weeks


Global Perceived Effect (GPE)
時間枠:Within 24 weeks
Within 24 weeks
Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH)
時間枠:Within 24 weeks
Within 24 weeks
Pain Threshold and Pain Tolerance Algometry
時間枠:Within 24 weeks
Within 24 weeks
Head Flexion Endurance
時間枠:Within 24 weeks
Within 24 weeks
Range of Motion
時間枠:Within 24 weeks
Within 24 weeks
Quality of Life (SF-36v2)
時間枠:within 24 weeks
within 24 weeks





  • 主任研究者:Joy C MacDermid, PhD、McMaster University


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