The Timed Get-up-and-Go test revisited: measurement of the component tasks

J C Wall, C Bell, S Campbell, J Davis, J C Wall, C Bell, S Campbell, J Davis


The "Timed Get-up-and-Go" (TGUG) test measures the overall time to complete a series of functionally important tasks. In the "Expanded Timed Get-up-and-Go" (ETGUG) test, times for the component tasks are measured using a multimemory stopwatch. Results from the ETGUG test were compared to those from the TGUG test on three groups of subjects: nonimpaired young, nonimpaired elderly, and elderly subjects at risk of falling. Significant differences were found between the two control groups and the at-risk group for all components of the test. Walking speed was the only measurement found to be significantly different between the young and elderly controls. The ETGUG test is a sensitive and objective assessment of function that requires minimal equipment, training, or expense. It better isolates functional deficits, thereby aiding the clinician in devising prevention strategies and guiding both treatment and further testing.

Source: PubMed
