The effectiveness of a training programme in everyday cognition in healthy older adults: a randomised controlled trial

Celia Sánchez Gómez, Eduardo José Fernández Rodríguez, Celia Sánchez Gómez, Eduardo José Fernández Rodríguez


Background: Everyday cognition is the application of basic cognitive skills and knowledge of the specific cognitive domain for the resolution of problems that are integrated within the instrumental domains of functioning. The main objective is to evaluate the effectiveness of a Training Programme in Everyday Cognition in order to improve the levels of everyday cognition and global cognitive performance in older adults.

Methods: A randomised controlled trial of two groups. The sample was composed of healthy older adults. The intervention of the experimental group consisted of an Everyday Cognition Training Programme, and the intervention of the control group consisted of a Conventional Cognitive Training Programme. The Rapid Assessment of Cognitive Functions test (ERFC) and the Everyday Cognition Battery test (ECB) were used to assess the intervention.

Results: Total sample (n = 237) composed of 44 men and 223 women, with a mean age of 73.45 years. Statistically significant differences (p < 0.001) were evidenced between the control group and the experimental group in both the ECB and ERFC; in the final evaluation of the study and in the follow-up.

Conclusion: The use of a Daily Cognition Training Programme presents greater benefits in terms of both global cognitive performance and everyday cognition than the use of a Conventional Cognitive Training Programme in elderly adults.

Trial registration: : NCT04041999 . Retrospectively registered. Date of trial registration: 8th July 2019.

Conflict of interest statement

None to declare. The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Study sequence. Graphic description of the process carried out throughout the development of the studywhere we can observe the sequencing of the evaluations and interventions of the 4 stages carried out during the 4 years of study duration. (A-1) Initial Assessment in 1st Stage or Assessment 1; (IP-1) Intervention Phase 1; (A-2) Assessment 2 or Final Assessment in 1st Stage; (NIP-1) Non-Intervention Phase 1; (A-3) Assessment 3 or Initial Assessment in 2nd Stage; (IP-2) Intervention Phase 2; (A-4) Assessment 4 or Final Assessment in 2nd Stage; (NIP-2) Non-Intervention Phase 2; (A-5) Assessment 5 or Initial Assessment in 3rd Stage; (IP-3) Intervention Phase 3; (A-6) Assessment 6 or Final Assessment in 3rd Stage; (NIP-3) Non-Intervention Phase 3; (A-7) Assessment 7 or Initial Assessment in 4th Stage; IP-4: Intervention Phase 4; (A-8) Assessment 8 or Final Assessment
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Time distribution of the Occupational Therapy Programme groups in each stage of intervention. Development of the temporality carried out with the groups of participants of the occupational therapy program in the 4 intervention phases. Specifying when each group performed the intervention, duration, frequency and number of sessions
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
Flow diagram of the sample of participants throughout the development of the study. The participant flow shows the evolution of the participants from the initial sample. The number of participants who were randomly assigned, received the intended treatment, and were analyzed for the primary outcome. In addition to the drop out and exclusions after randomization for different reasons stated in the exclusion and withdrawal criteria


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