Canadian Digestive Health Foundation Public Impact Series 3: irritable bowel syndrome in Canada. Incidence, prevalence, and direct and indirect economic impact

Richard N Fedorak, Stephen J Vanner, William G Paterson, Ron J Bridges, Richard N Fedorak, Stephen J Vanner, William G Paterson, Ron J Bridges


The Canadian Digestive Health Foundation initiated a scientific program to assess the incidence, prevalence, mortality and economic impact of digestive disorders across Canada in 2009. The current article presents the updated findings from the study concerning irritable bowel syndrome.


Figure 1)
Figure 1)
Provincial distribution of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients in 2007/2008. Data adapted from the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS), cycle 4.1 (3) and CCHS cycle 3.1 (45). AB Alberta; BC British Columbia; MB Manitoba; NB New Brunswick; NL Newfoundland and Labrador; NS Nova Scotia; NT Nunavut; NWT Northwest Territories; ON Ontario; PEI Prince Edward Island; QC Quebec; SK Saskatchewan; YK Yukon
Figure 2)
Figure 2)
Percentage of individuals with chronic disease categorized according to age group. Data adapted from the Canadian Community Health Survey, cycle 4.1 (3). IBS Irritable bowel syndrome; yrs Years
Figure 3)
Figure 3)
Breakdown of costs for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Data adapted from reference
Figure 4)
Figure 4)
Canadians permanently unable to work categorized according to chronic disease. Data obtained from the Canadian Community Health Survey, cycle 4.1 (3). IBS Irritable bowel syndrome

Source: PubMed
