Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Today and Tomorrow

Giovanni Briganti, Olivier Le Moine, Giovanni Briganti, Olivier Le Moine


Artificial intelligence-powered medical technologies are rapidly evolving into applicable solutions for clinical practice. Deep learning algorithms can deal with increasing amounts of data provided by wearables, smartphones, and other mobile monitoring sensors in different areas of medicine. Currently, only very specific settings in clinical practice benefit from the application of artificial intelligence, such as the detection of atrial fibrillation, epilepsy seizures, and hypoglycemia, or the diagnosis of disease based on histopathological examination or medical imaging. The implementation of augmented medicine is long-awaited by patients because it allows for a greater autonomy and a more personalized treatment, however, it is met with resistance from physicians which were not prepared for such an evolution of clinical practice. This phenomenon also creates the need to validate these modern tools with traditional clinical trials, debate the educational upgrade of the medical curriculum in light of digital medicine as well as ethical consideration of the ongoing connected monitoring. The aim of this paper is to discuss recent scientific literature and provide a perspective on the benefits, future opportunities and risks of established artificial intelligence applications in clinical practice on physicians, healthcare institutions, medical education, and bioethics.

Keywords: artificial intelligence; digital medicine; medical technologies; mobile health; monitoring.

Copyright © 2020 Briganti and Le Moine.


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