[Fear of Coronavirus, Intention to Follow the AHA Rules and Risk Perception Regarding Visits to the Doctor: Cross-sectional Study with Patients suffering from Pre-existing Mental Illness]

Alina Dahmen, Franziska Keller, Lukas Kötting, Christina Derksen, Sonia Lippke, Alina Dahmen, Franziska Keller, Lukas Kötting, Christina Derksen, Sonia Lippke


Background: The COVID-19 pandemic requires containment measures such as contact restrictions and hygiene requirements. It is accompanied by psychological problems and the fear of infection or of a severe course of the disease. This paper examines the relationship between fear of infection and adherence to rules of hygiene as well as the utilization of medical services.

Methods: 1005 patients (20-79 years, 626=62.4% female) were interviewed by online questionnaire before starting a psychosomatic rehabilitation program. Data are presented descriptively and analysed by variance analyses.

Results: 68.6% were rarely/sometimes afraid and 17.9% were always afraid of contracting coronavirus or of a severe course of the disease. Those who were afraid intended to wash their hands more frequently (97.2%) than those who were not afraid. Regardless of any change in their physical and mental health status, participants felt it to be risky to seek medical care.

Conclusion: The intention to follow hygiene rules in people with pre-existing mental illness depends on a fear of infecting oneself or others with the coronavirus or of contracting a severe form of the disease. Especially mentally or psychosomatically affected individuals need to be informed adequately about the coronavirus and the necessary individual protective measures in order to reduce resistance and to increase willingness to seek medical help.

Conflict of interest statement

Die Autorinnen/Autoren geben an, dass kein Interessenkonflikt besteht.

Thieme. All rights reserved.


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