Protocol for targeting insomnia in school-aged children with autism spectrum disorder without intellectual disability: a randomised control trial

Christina S McCrae, Micah O Mazurek, Ashley F Curtis, David Q Beversdorf, Chelsea B Deroche, Mojgan Golzy, Kristin A Sohl, Zarah H Ner, Beth Ellen Davis, Melanie A Stearns, Neetu Nair, Christina S McCrae, Micah O Mazurek, Ashley F Curtis, David Q Beversdorf, Chelsea B Deroche, Mojgan Golzy, Kristin A Sohl, Zarah H Ner, Beth Ellen Davis, Melanie A Stearns, Neetu Nair


Introduction: Insomnia affects up to 80% of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Negative consequences of insomnia in ASD include decreased quality of life (QOL), impaired learning and cognition, increased stereotypic and challenging behaviours, and increased parental stress. Cognitive behavioural treatment for childhood insomnia (CBT-CI) is a promising treatment for dealing with insomnia and its negative consequences but has not yet been studied in school-aged children with ASD and comorbid insomnia. Access to healthcare is another challenge for children with ASD, particularly in rural and underserved regions. Previous studies indicate that ASD and insomnia share common arousal-based underpinnings, and we hypothesise that CBT-CI will reduce the hyperarousal associated with insomnia and ASD. This trial will be the first to examine CBT-CI adapted for children with ASD and will provide new information about two different modes of delivery across a variety of primary and secondary child and parent sleep and related outcomes. Knowledge obtained from this trial might allow us to develop new or modify current treatments to better target childhood insomnia and ASD.

Methods and analysis: Children (N=180) 6-12 years of age with ASD and insomnia will be recruited from an established autism database, a paediatric clinic and community outreach in the Columbia, MO and surrounding areas. Participants will be randomised to CBT-CI adapted for children with ASD (in-person or remote using computers with cameras) or Sleep Hygiene and Related Education. Participants will be assessed at baseline, post-treatment, 6-month and 12-month follow-ups. The following assessments will be completed regarding the children: objective and subjective sleep, daytime functioning (adaptive functioning, attention, challenging behaviours, anxiety), QOL and physiological arousal (heart rate variability) and parents: objective and subjective sleep, daytime functioning (anxiety, depression, fatigue), QOL, physiological arousal and parental burden/stress.

Ethics and dissemination: Ethics approval was obtained in January 2020 from the University of Missouri. Ethics approval was obtained in July 2020 from the US Army Medical Research and Development Command, Office of Research Protections and Human Research Protection Office. All data are expected to be collected by 2024. Full trial results are planned to be published by 2025. Secondary analyses of baseline data will be subsequently published.

Trial registration number: NCT04545606; Pre-results.

Keywords: child & adolescent psychiatry; sleep medicine.

Conflict of interest statement

Competing interests: None declared.

© Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2021. Re-use permitted under CC BY-NC. No commercial re-use. See rights and permissions. Published by BMJ.


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