Theoretical and Practical Considerations for Combating Mental Illness Stigma in Health Care

Thomas Ungar, Stephanie Knaak, Andrew C H Szeto, Thomas Ungar, Stephanie Knaak, Andrew C H Szeto


Reducing the stigma and discrimination associated with mental illness is becoming an increasingly important focus for research, policy, programming and intervention work. While it has been well established that the healthcare system is one of the key environments in which persons with mental illnesses experience stigma and discrimination there is little published literature on how to build and deliver successful anti-stigma programs in healthcare settings, towards healthcare providers in general, or towards specific types of practitioners. Our paper intends to address this gap by providing a set of theoretical considerations for guiding the design and implementation of anti-stigma interventions in healthcare.

Keywords: Anti-stigma interventions; Anti-stigma model; Healthcare providers; Mental health and illness; Mental illness stigma; Stigma.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Proposed conceptual model for guiding mental illness anti-stigma programming in health care


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