Protein status elicits compensatory changes in food intake and food preferences

Sanne Griffioen-Roose, Monica Mars, Els Siebelink, Graham Finlayson, Daniel Tomé, Cees de Graaf, Sanne Griffioen-Roose, Monica Mars, Els Siebelink, Graham Finlayson, Daniel Tomé, Cees de Graaf


Background: Protein is an indispensable component within the human diet. It is unclear, however, whether behavioral strategies exist to avoid shortages.

Objective: The objective was to investigate the effect of a low protein status compared with a high protein status on food intake and food preferences.

Design: We used a randomized crossover design that consisted of a 14-d fully controlled dietary intervention involving 37 subjects [mean ± SD age: 21 ± 2 y; BMI (in kg/m(2)): 21.9 ± 1.5] who consumed individualized, isoenergetic diets that were either low in protein [0.5 g protein · kg body weight (BW)(-1) · d(-1)] or high in protein (2.0 g protein · kg BW(-1) · d(-1)). The diets were followed by an ad libitum phase of 2.5 d, during which a large array of food items was available, and protein and energy intakes were measured.

Results: We showed that in the ad libitum phase protein intake was 13% higher after the low-protein diet than after the high-protein diet (253 ± 70 compared with 225 ± 63 g, P < 0.001), whereas total energy intake was not different. The higher intake of protein was evident throughout the ad libitum phase of 2.5 d. In addition, after the low-protein diet, food preferences for savory high-protein foods were enhanced.

Conclusions: After a protein deficit, food intake and food preferences show adaptive changes that suggest that compensatory mechanisms are induced to restore adequate protein status. This indicates that there are human behavioral strategies present to avoid protein shortage and that these involve selection of savory high-protein foods. This trial was registered with the Dutch Trial register at as NTR2491.


Design of the study. Subjects received a normal-protein diet for 2 d. Afterward, they were divided into 2 groups: one group received a low-protein diet for 14 d and one group received a high-protein diet for 14 d. The diets were followed by an ad libitum phase of 2.5 d during which a large array of food items was available, and intake was measured. Appetite was measured during 3 single 24-h periods: on day 2 of the normal-protein diet and on days 1 and 14 of the low- and high-protein diets (24-h appetite ratings). On day 14, the LFPQ was completed. After a 2-wk washout, the intervention was repeated and subjects switched groups. BW, body weight; LFPQ, Leeds Food Preference Questionnaire; lib, libitum.
Mean (±SEM) hourly rated feelings of hunger during waking hours from 1400 until 1200 the next day on days 1 and 14 during the low-protein diet (○) and the high-protein diet (•) assessed on a 10-point Likert scale. Subjects reported more hunger during the low-protein diet than during the high-protein diet on both days (P < 0.0001). The magnitude of this difference did not change (diet × day interaction: P = 0.52). Analyses were performed on AUCs by means of ANOVA (mixed-model procedure).
A: Total protein intake (g) of the lunch meals and of the home meal packages during the 3 d in the ad libitum phase after the low-protein diet (open bars) and high-protein diet (solid bars). Total protein intake (g) was higher after the low-protein diet than after the high-protein diet (P < 0.001). B: Total intake (MJ) of the lunch meals and home packages during the 3 d in the ad libitum phase after the low-protein diet (open bars) and after the high-protein diet (solid bars). Total energy intake (MJ) did not differ after the low-protein diet compared with after the high-protein diet (P = 0.14). Values are means ± SEMs (n = 37). The intake of protein (g) and energy (MJ) were compared by means of ANOVA (mixed-model procedure). home, home meal packages; meal, hot lunch meals.
A: Explicit wanting for the LP and HP sweet and savory products after the LP and HP diets assessed on a visual analog scale (100 mm). After the LP diet, there was greater explicit wanting for savory foods than for sweet foods (P < 0.001). No preference was evident after the HP diet. Also, no preference was evident for HP or LP products after either of the diets. B: Implicit wanting for the LP and HP sweet and savory products after the LP and HP diets expressed as a standardized d score, which is a validated algorithm to transform reaction time (24). A smaller d score means a greater implicit wanting for that food category relative to other categories in the task. After the LP diet, there was a greater implicit wanting for savory foods than for sweet foods (P < 0.05) and a greater implicit wanting for HP foods than for LP foods (P < 0.05). No preference was evident after the HP diet. Values are means ± SEMs (n = 37). Results of the Leeds Food Preference Questionnaire were analyzed by using ANOVA (General Linear Model procedure). HP, high-protein; LP, low-protein.


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