Effects and Mechanisms of Fruit and Vegetable Juices on Cardiovascular Diseases

Jie Zheng, Yue Zhou, Sha Li, Pei Zhang, Tong Zhou, Dong-Ping Xu, Hua-Bin Li, Jie Zheng, Yue Zhou, Sha Li, Pei Zhang, Tong Zhou, Dong-Ping Xu, Hua-Bin Li


Many studies have indicated that consumption of vegetables and fruits are positively related to lower incidence of several chronic noncommunicable diseases. Although composition of fruit and vegetable juices is different from that of the edible portion of fruits and vegetables, they contain polyphenols and vitamins from fruits and vegetables. Drinking vegetable and fruit juices is very popular in many countries, and also an efficient way to improve consumption of fruits and vegetables. The studies showed that fruit and vegetable juices affect cardiovascular risk factors, such as lowering blood pressure and improving blood lipid profiles. The main mechanisms of action included antioxidant effects, improvement of the aspects of the cardiovascular system, inhibition of platelet aggregation, anti-inflammatory effects, and prevention of hyperhomocysteinemia. Drinking juices might be a potential way to improve cardiovascular health, especially mixtures of juices because they contain a variety of polyphenols, vitamins, and minerals from different fruits and vegetables. This review summarizes recent studies on the effects of fruit and vegetable juices on indicators of cardiovascular disease, and special attention is paid to the mechanisms of action.

Keywords: blood pressure; cardiovascular disease; cholesterol; fruit juice; vegetable juice.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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