Hypertension in Cardiovascular and Kidney Disease

Joshua Botdorf, Kunal Chaudhary, Adam Whaley-Connell, Joshua Botdorf, Kunal Chaudhary, Adam Whaley-Connell


The relationship between hypertension and chronic kidney disease (CKD) is bidirectional in nature and, generally, management strategies for cardiovascular risk reduction also attenuate progression of CKD. Prevalent hypertension increases with diminishing kidney function, and the management strategy changes with level of kidney function. In this review, we will examine the evidence for management of hypertension, as a modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease in CKD, and the impact of this management on progression of CKD.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Pharmacologic approach to hypertension management in CKD. BP = Blood pressure; CCB = calcium channel blocker; ACE = angiotensin-converting enzyme; ARB = angiotensin receptor blocker.

Source: PubMed
