Tailoring evidence-based interventions for new populations: a method for program adaptation through community engagement

Emily K Chen, M C Reid, Samantha J Parker, Karl Pillemer, Emily K Chen, M C Reid, Samantha J Parker, Karl Pillemer


Evidence-based interventions (EBIs) are an important tool for community health practitioners, but there is often a mismatch between the population in which the EBI was validated and the target population in which it will be used. Methods of planned adaptation identify differences in the new target population and attempt to make changes to the EBI that accommodate these differences without diluting the program's effectiveness. This article outlines an innovative method for eliciting ideas for program modifications and deciding on program changes. The Method for Program Adaptation through Community Engagement (M-PACE) uses systematic and detailed feedback from program participants to guide adaptation. The authors describe procedures for obtaining high-quality participant feedback and adjudicating recommendations to decide on program changes. M-PACE was developed as part of the adaptation of an evidence-based, arthritis self-management program for older adults. The application and results of the M-PACE method are presented using this case as an example.

Conflict of interest statement

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The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.

Source: PubMed
