Soluble Fn14 Is Detected and Elevated in Mouse and Human Kidney Disease

M Nusrat Sharif, Gabriela Campanholle, Eva E Nagiec, Ju Wang, Jameel Syed, Shawn P O'Neil, Yutian Zhan, Karrie Brenneman, Bruce Homer, Hendrik Neubert, Riyez Karim, Nick Pullen, Steven M Evans, Margaret Fleming, Priya Chockalingam, Lih-Ling Lin, M Nusrat Sharif, Gabriela Campanholle, Eva E Nagiec, Ju Wang, Jameel Syed, Shawn P O'Neil, Yutian Zhan, Karrie Brenneman, Bruce Homer, Hendrik Neubert, Riyez Karim, Nick Pullen, Steven M Evans, Margaret Fleming, Priya Chockalingam, Lih-Ling Lin


The cytokine TWEAK and its cognate receptor Fn14 are members of the TNF/TNFR superfamily and are upregulated in tissue injury to mediate local tissue responses including inflammation and tissue remodeling. We found that in various models of kidney disease, Fn14 expression (mRNA and protein) is upregulated in the kidney. These models include: lupus nephritis mouse models (Nephrotoxic serum Transfer Nephritis and MRL.Faslpr/lpr), acute kidney injury models (Ischemia reperfusion injury and Folic acid injury), and a ZSF-1 diabetic nephropathy rat model. Fn14 expression levels correlate with disease severity as measured by disease histology. We have also shown for the first time the detection of soluble Fn14 (sFn14) in the urine and serum of mice. Importantly, we found the sFn14 levels are markedly increased in the diseased mice and are correlated with disease biomarkers including proteinuria and MCP-1. We have also detected sFn14 in human plasma and urine. Moreover, sFn14 levels, in urine are significantly increased in DN patients and correlated with proteinuria and MCP-1 levels. Thus our data not only confirm the up-regulation of Fn14/TWEAK pathway in kidney diseases, but also suggest a novel mechanism for its regulation by the generation of sFn14. The correlation of sFn14 levels and disease severity suggest that sFn14 may serve as a potential biomarker for both acute and chronic kidney diseases.

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Competing Interests: This work was funded, supported, and performed using Pfizer resources. All authors were employed by Pfizer Inc. during the course of this study. There are no products in development or marketed products to declare. This does not alter the authors' adherence to all the PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.


Fig 1. Fn14 expression in kidney.
Fig 1. Fn14 expression in kidney.
A) Fn14 mRNA expression is upregulated in disease vs vehicle in the NTN model (8% and 32% vs vehicle; pp = 0.0008), R2 = 0.914 E) Fn14 mRNA expression is increased with progression of disease in MRL/lpr mice spontaneous mouse model of Lupus Nephritis. Kidneys from MRL/lpr mice were harvested at 22 weeks of age. Aged matched controls were kidneys from MRL/MPJ mice- comparable strain that does not develop Lupus Nephritis. F) IHC showing Fn14 expression in kidney of MRL/lpr model. Fn14 expression was most prominent in arterioles and glomerulus. G) Strong association of Fn14 with inflammation score in MRL/lpr model. Linear regression plot showing correlation of Fn14 expression with inflammation (p<0.0001) and R2 = 0.63.
Fig 2. Fn14 concentration is increased in…
Fig 2. Fn14 concentration is increased in NTN model of kidney injury.
(A) Increased concentration of Fn14 was detected in serum of mice injected with nephrotoxic serum (NTS) (vehicle vs NTS-**p = 0.006, Mann-Whitney test). Serum analysis was performed at the end of the study at 21 days. (B) Rapid increase in Fn14 concentration in urine (closed circles) apparent two days post NTS injection, was accompanied by development of proteinuria (closed triangles), and remained elevated through the duration of the study. (C) Urinary Fn14 strongly correlated with urinary albumin (r = 0.8803; p

Fig 3. Fn14 is upregulated in Folic…

Fig 3. Fn14 is upregulated in Folic Acid induced acute kidney injury.

Mice were systemically…

Fig 3. Fn14 is upregulated in Folic Acid induced acute kidney injury.
Mice were systemically dosed with either vehicle or FA. (A) BUN and (B) Urine microalbumin are increased in FA treated mice 24h after dosing. Histology from (C) vehicle control kidney and (D) FA-treated mice show tubular dilatation and attenuation in FA dosed kidneys, indicating acute kidney injury. (E) sFn14 in serum and (F) sFn14 in urine is increased in FA-treated mice 24h after dosing. (G) qRT-PCR shows up-regulation of Fn14 mRNA in FA induced AKI kidneys. IHC from vehicle control kidney (H) and (I) FA-treated mice shows increased Fn14 immuno-reactivity in tubular epithelia of FA dosed mouse kidneys.

Fig 4. Fn14 and TWEAK expression in…

Fig 4. Fn14 and TWEAK expression in DN.

A total of sixty male, 8-week-old ZSF1…

Fig 4. Fn14 and TWEAK expression in DN.
A total of sixty male, 8-week-old ZSF1 obese and lean littermates were used in this study. (A) Urine levels of sFn14 and mRNA expression in kidney from ZSF1 lean (control) and obese (disease) rats (lean vs obese *p
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Fig 3. Fn14 is upregulated in Folic…
Fig 3. Fn14 is upregulated in Folic Acid induced acute kidney injury.
Mice were systemically dosed with either vehicle or FA. (A) BUN and (B) Urine microalbumin are increased in FA treated mice 24h after dosing. Histology from (C) vehicle control kidney and (D) FA-treated mice show tubular dilatation and attenuation in FA dosed kidneys, indicating acute kidney injury. (E) sFn14 in serum and (F) sFn14 in urine is increased in FA-treated mice 24h after dosing. (G) qRT-PCR shows up-regulation of Fn14 mRNA in FA induced AKI kidneys. IHC from vehicle control kidney (H) and (I) FA-treated mice shows increased Fn14 immuno-reactivity in tubular epithelia of FA dosed mouse kidneys.
Fig 4. Fn14 and TWEAK expression in…
Fig 4. Fn14 and TWEAK expression in DN.
A total of sixty male, 8-week-old ZSF1 obese and lean littermates were used in this study. (A) Urine levels of sFn14 and mRNA expression in kidney from ZSF1 lean (control) and obese (disease) rats (lean vs obese *p


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