Deuterium enrichment of vitamin A at the C20 position slows the formation of detrimental vitamin A dimers in wild-type rodents

Yardana Kaufman, Li Ma, Ilyas Washington, Yardana Kaufman, Li Ma, Ilyas Washington


Degenerative eye diseases are the most common causes of untreatable blindness. Accumulation of lipofuscin (granular deposits) in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is a hallmark of major degenerative eye diseases such as Stargardt disease, Best disease, and age-related macular degeneration. The intrinsic reactivity of vitamin A leads to its dimerization and to the formation of pigments such as A2E, and is believed to play a key role in the formation of ocular lipofuscin. We sought a clinically pragmatic method to slow vitamin A dimerization as a means to elucidate the pathogenesis of macular degenerations and to develop a therapeutic intervention. We prepared vitamin A enriched with the stable isotope deuterium at carbon twenty (C20-D(3)-vitamin A). Results showed that dimerization of deuterium-enriched vitamin A was considerably slower than that of vitamin A at natural abundance as measured in vitro. Administration of C20-D(3)-vitamin A to wild-type rodents with no obvious genetic defects in vitamin A processing, slowed A2E biosynthesis. This study elucidates the mechanism of A2E biosynthesis and suggests that administration of C20-D(3)-vitamin A may be a viable, long-term approach to retard vitamin A dimerization and by extension, may slow lipofuscin deposition and the progression of common degenerative eye diseases.


Replacing C20 hydrogen atoms of all-trans-retinaldehyde with deuteriums slows the formation of A2E. A, HPLC profiles of reaction mixtures containing C20-D3-retinaldehyde or retinaldehyde, plus ethanolamine and acetic acid after 30 h. B, expanded section of panel A. Gray line: retinaldehyde reaction; Black line: C20-D3-retinaldehyde reaction. C, plots of A2E formation over time for the reactions in panel A (kH/kD = 7 ± 1; from an average of three runs).
Replacing C20 hydrogen atoms of all-trans-retinaldehyde with deuteriums slows the formation of ATR-dimer. A, HPLC profiles recorded after 1 h of reaction mixtures containing proline and either C20-D3-all-trans-retinaldehyde or all-trans-retinaldehyde to form ATR-dimer. B, plot of ATR-dimer formation over time for the reactions in panel A.
APCI MS of a reaction mixture of retinaldehyde and C20-D3-retinaldehyde with ethanolamine after (A) 2 min and (B) 2 weeks. Mass to charge ratios are shown and ion intensities are shown as relative percents. The peak at m/z 328 corresponds to the Schiff base at natural abundance and the peak at m/z 331 corresponding to the deuterated Schiff base.
Administration of C20-D3-vitamin A to wild-type mice slows A2E synthesis in vivo. A, representative HPLC trace of extracted retinoids from eyecups of mice administered C20-D3-vitamin A. B and C, UV-Vis absorbance spectra of the peaks at B ∼10.8, representative of A2E and C, ∼11.8 min, representative of iso-A2E. D, average A2E levels in animals given either vitamin A at natural abundance or C20-D3-vitamin A. Five animals per group were used. p: p value.
Comparison of A2E in age-matched animals given different inhibitors of A2E biosynthesis. All groups were raised on a standard rodent diet for the first 50 days. The 100-day-old controls were raised on a standard diet throughout. While the Fenretinide, TDH, vitamin A, and C20-D3-vitamin A groups were given high doses of the amount of vitamin A for the remaining 50 days, except that the last mentioned group was given vitamin A in the form of C20-D3-vitamin A. Three animals per group were used.
Liver vitamin A in response to dietary C20-D3-vitamin A. Representative ACPI mass spectra of liver extracts of animals on a diet containing 100,000 IU of C20-D3-vitamin A/kg of diet for (A) 2 and (B) 4 weeks. The peaks labeled “269” and “272” represent fragments of vitamin A and C20-D3-vitamin A, respectively.
Biosynthesis of A2E and ATR-dimer from all-trans-retinaldehyde. Hydrogen atoms are presented at the C20 position of all-trans-retinaldehyde and on its Schiff base. Inset: possible transition states (TS) leading to the cis- or trans-enamines.
Inhibition of A2E biosynthesis by C20-D3-vitamin A in wild-type animals. PE, phosphatidylethanolamine. The circular arrows represent the vitamin A cycle; two proteins are displayed. Upon photon recognition in the outer segment of the neural retina (rod cell shown), retinaldehyde is released from the opsin protein. A portion of this retinaldehyde condenses with PE to form retinaldehyde-PE, leading to the formation of vitamin A dimers. Deuteration of the C20-H bonds of vitamin A inhibits dimerization allowing more time for retinaldehyde-PE to be processed by ABCA4.

Source: PubMed
