Progression of Gene Expression Changes following a Mechanical Injury to Articular Cartilage as a Model of Early Stage Osteoarthritis

R S McCulloch, M S Ashwell, C Maltecca, A T O'Nan, P L Mente, R S McCulloch, M S Ashwell, C Maltecca, A T O'Nan, P L Mente


An impact injury model of early stage osteoarthritis (OA) progression was developed using a mechanical insult to an articular cartilage surface to evaluate differential gene expression changes over time and treatment. Porcine patellae with intact cartilage surfaces were randomized to one of three treatments: nonimpacted control, axial impaction (2000 N), or a shear impaction (500 N axial, with tangential displacement to induce shear forces). After impact, the patellae were returned to culture for 0, 3, 7, or 14 days. At the appropriate time point, RNA was extracted from full-thickness cartilage slices at the impact site. Quantitative real-time PCR was used to evaluate differential gene expression for 18 OA related genes from four categories: cartilage matrix, degradative enzymes and inhibitors, inflammatory response and signaling, and cell apoptosis. The shear impacted specimens were compared to the axial impacted specimens and showed that shear specimens more highly expressed type I collagen (Col1a1) at the early time points. In addition, there was generally elevated expression of degradative enzymes, inflammatory response genes, and apoptosis markers at the early time points. These changes suggest that the more physiologically relevant shear loading may initially be more damaging to the cartilage and induces more repair efforts after loading.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Fold changes for shear versus axial specimens within each time point. Fold change is shown on the vertical axis as a log scale, and days in culture are shown on the horizontal axis. Error bars for fold changes are depicted and significant differences for the respective comparison are indicated with an asterisk (∗). A graph is shown for each gene category: cartilage matrix (a), degradative enzymes (b), inflammatory response (c), and apoptosis (d).


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