Developing interventions for cancer-related cognitive dysfunction in childhood cancer survivors

Sharon M Castellino, Nicole J Ullrich, Megan J Whelen, Beverly J Lange, Sharon M Castellino, Nicole J Ullrich, Megan J Whelen, Beverly J Lange


Survivors of childhood cancer frequently experience cancer-related cognitive dysfunction, commonly months to years after treatment for pediatric brain tumors, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), or tumors involving the head and neck. Risk factors for cancer-related cognitive dysfunction include young age at diagnosis, treatment with cranial irradiation, use of parenteral or intrathecal methotrexate, female sex, and pre-existing comorbidities. Limiting use and reducing doses and volume of cranial irradiation while intensifying chemotherapy have improved survival and reduced the severity of cognitive dysfunction, especially in leukemia. Nonetheless, problems in core functional domains of attention, processing speed, working memory and visual-motor integration continue to compromise quality of life and performance. We review the epidemiology, pathophysiology and assessment of cancer-related cognitive dysfunction, the impact of treatment changes for prevention, and the broad strategies for educational and pharmacological interventions to remediate established cognitive dysfunction following childhood cancer. The increased years of life saved after childhood cancer warrants continued study toward the prevention and remediation of cancer-related cognitive dysfunction, using uniform assessments anchored in functional outcomes.

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Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Factors contributing to risk of cancer-related cognitive dysfunction in childhood cancer survivors. Risk of impairment varies by timing of assessment relative to diagnosis and treatment, and by the assessment battery used. CNS = central nervous system.
Figure 2.
Figure 2.
Conceptual approach to design of future interventions for protection and remediation against cancer-related cognitive dysfunction.

Source: PubMed
