Online Short-Term Mindfulness-Based Intervention During COVID-19 Quarantine in Italy: Effects on Wellbeing, Stress, and Anxiety

Teresa Fazia, Francesco Bubbico, Andrea Nova, Emilia Riggi, Giancarlo Caimi, Beril Calgan, Gerardo Salvato, Salvatore Bruno, Gabriella Bottini, Luisa Bernardinelli, Teresa Fazia, Francesco Bubbico, Andrea Nova, Emilia Riggi, Giancarlo Caimi, Beril Calgan, Gerardo Salvato, Salvatore Bruno, Gabriella Bottini, Luisa Bernardinelli


To limit the first spread of COVID-19 in March 2020, the Italian government imposed strict lockdown measures to the population. Despite necessary to reduce the virus transmission and the burden to the hospitals, social isolation has caused detrimental effects on psychological wellbeing and mental health. Moreover, during this period, it was also difficult to deliver psychological treatments and psychiatric assistance. A short (a weekly session for 9 weeks) mindfulness-based meditation program, named Integral Meditation (IM), was administered entirely online to healthy adults from Italy. This is a two-groups pre-post-quasi-experimental study in which the two groups, treated and control, were not randomized. Through matching procedures aimed at overcoming the absence of randomization, we analyzed a sample of 84 subjects (42 for each group). By applying linear mixed effect models, we tested the hypothesis of a beneficial effect of IM on wellbeing, perceived stress, and state anxiety, as measured by three self-reported questionnaires (WEMWBS, PSS, and STAI-X1, respectively), assuming that this effect could be different according to the level of baseline trait anxiety, as measured by STAI-X2. The results showed a statistically significant effect of STAI-X1 (β = -8.24 [95%CI -15.39; -1.09], p = 0.02) and WEMWBS (β = 4.61 [95%CI 0.94; 8.29], p = 0.01) in the higher trait anxiety subgroup only. No statistically significant effect of IM was observed for PSS. These results suggest that our IM, delivered online, may increase mental wellbeing and decrease anxiety specifically in subjects with higher trait anxiety.

Keywords: COVID-19; lockdown; mindfulness-based meditation; psychological wellbeing; state anxiety; stress; trait anxiety.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Copyright © 2022 Fazia, Bubbico, Nova, Riggi, Caimi, Calgan, Salvato, Bruno, Bottini and Bernardinelli.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Participants' flow diagram.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Histogram of the density of propensity score distribution in the two groups, i.e., treated and control, before (Raw) and after the matching procedure (Matched).


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