Abdominal compartment syndrome successfully treated with neuromuscular blockade

Kris T Chiles, Colin M Feeney, Kris T Chiles, Colin M Feeney


A 48 year old male admitted to the intensive care unit after a cardiac arrest complicated by a stroke intra-operatively during automatic implantable cardioverter defibrillator placement. He post-operatively developed a rigid abdomen, elevated peak and plateau pressures, hypoxia and renal insufficiency. He was diagnosed with abdominal compartment syndrome with an intra-abdominal compartment pressure of 40mmHg. The patient was administered 10 mg of intravenous cisatracuriumbesylate in preparation for bedside surgical abdominal decompression. Cisatracurium eliminated the patients need for surgical intervention by reducing his abdominal compartment pressures to normal and improving his hypoxia and renal function. This case illustrates that neuromuscular blockade should be attempted in patients with abdominal compartment syndrome prior to surgical intervention.

Keywords: Abdominal compartment syndrome; intra-abdominal hypertension; medical management of abdominal compartment syndrome; neuromuscular blockade.

Conflict of interest statement

Conflict of Interest: None declared


Figure 1
Figure 1
Computed tomography of the abdomen and pelvis showing no dilated loops of bowel, ileus, free air, abscess or obstruction


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Source: PubMed
