Evaluation of Efficacy of Intraligamentary Injection Technique for Extraction of Mandibular Teeth-A Prospective Study

Raunak Pradhan, Deepak Kulkarni, Lakshmi Shetty, Raunak Pradhan, Deepak Kulkarni, Lakshmi Shetty


Introduction: Fear of dental pain is one of the most common reasons for delaying dental treatment. Local Anaesthesia (LA) is the most commonly employed technique of achieving pain control in dentistry. Pterygomandibular Nerve Block (PNB), for achieving mandibular anaesthesia has been the traditional technique used and is associated with a few set of complications which include pain, nerve injury, trismus, and rarely facial nerve palsy, and sustained soft tissue anaesthesia. These complications have resulted in a rapid need for research on alternative local anaesthetic techniques.

Aim: This study was undertaken with the objective to determine pain, duration, profoundness and complications associated with administration of Intraligamentary Injection Technique (ILT).

Materials and methods: This study was conducted on 194 patients (male=122, female=72) who reported for dental extractions in mandibular posteriors. The ILT was administered with ligajet intraligamentary jet injector using cartridge containing lignocaine hydrochloride 2% with adrenaline 1:80000 and a 30 gauge needle at buccal (mesiobuccal), lingual, mesial and distal aspect of the mandibular molars. The data was analyzed by using statistical computer software SPSS 11.0 (Statistical package for social sciences 11.O version of SPSS Inc.). Median was derived for Pain on Injection (PI) and Pain during Procedure (PP). Mean and standard deviation was derived for Duration of Anaesthesia (DA).

Results: Various advantages were seen such as, localized soft tissue anaesthesia, decreased PI (SD=0.83), and minimal PP (SD=0.94). The DA (SD=4.62) and mean value of 24.06 minutes.

Conclusion: This study is one of its kinds where intraligamentary injection has been used for extraction of mandibular molars. It was also successfully used in patients with exaggerated gag reflex and patients suffering from trismus due to oral submucous fibrosis. The intraligamentary injection technique can thus be used effectively to anaesthetize mandibular molars, as a primary technique for extraction of mandibular posterior teeth.

Keywords: Anaesthesia; Molar; Pain.


Ligajet injector–insertion of needle on lingual aspect.
Boxplot of pain on injection.
Boxplot of pain during procedure.

Source: PubMed
