Murine typhus and leptospirosis as causes of acute undifferentiated fever, Indonesia

M Hussein Gasem, Jiri F P Wagenaar, Marga G A Goris, Mateus S Adi, Bambang B Isbandrio, Rudy A Hartskeerl, Jean Marc Rolain, Didier Raoult, Eric C M van Gorp, M Hussein Gasem, Jiri F P Wagenaar, Marga G A Goris, Mateus S Adi, Bambang B Isbandrio, Rudy A Hartskeerl, Jean Marc Rolain, Didier Raoult, Eric C M van Gorp


To investigate rickettsioses and leptospirosis among urban residents of Semarang, Indonesia, we tested the blood of 137 patients with fever. Evidence of Rickettsia typhi, the agent of murine typhus, was found in 9 patients. Another 9 patients showed inconclusive serologic results. Thirteen patients received a diagnosis of leptospirosis. No dual infections were detected.


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Source: PubMed
