Pregnancy following use of the cervical cup for home artificial insemination utilizing homologous semen

M P Diamond, C Christianson, J F Daniell, A C Wentz, M P Diamond, C Christianson, J F Daniell, A C Wentz


Sixty-one couples with infertility from 1 to 11 years were instructed in the use of the cervical cup for artificial insemination using homologous semen in the privacy of their own homes. There have been 36 reported pregnancies in 32 of these couples. Among women with primary infertility, the pregnancy rate was 43%; it was 67% for those with secondary infertility and 53% overall. Sperm counts and percent motility, as well as postcoital test results, however, failed to be indicative of eventual ability to conceive. Regardless, among couples with documented infertility, this method provided over half of the couples with at least one pregnancy. Additionally, the technique is simple, inexpensive, without significant risk or discomfort, and can be carried out by a couple at their convenience and in privacy.

PIP: 61 couples with infertility from 1-11 years duration were instructed in the use of the cervical cup for artificial insemination using homologous semen in the privacy of their own homes. There have been 36 reported pregnancies in 32 of these couples. Among women with primary infertility, the pregnancy rate was 43%; it was 67% for those with secondary infertility and 53% overall. Sperm counts and percent motility, as well as postcoital test results, however, failed to indicate the eventual ability to conceive. Regardless, among couples with documented infertility, this method provided over 1/2 of the couples with at least 1 pregnancy. Additionally, the technique is simple, inexpensive, without significant risk or discomfort, and can be carried out by the couple at their convenience and in privacy.

Source: PubMed
