Digital Communication Technology: Does Offering a Choice of Modality Improve Medication Adherence and Outcomes in a Persistent Asthma Population?

P J Cvietusa, N M Wagner, J A Shoup, G K Goodrich, S M Shetterly, D K King, M A Raebel, C S Riggs, B Bender, P J Cvietusa, N M Wagner, J A Shoup, G K Goodrich, S M Shetterly, D K King, M A Raebel, C S Riggs, B Bender


Background: Use of digital communication technology has shown potential to improve asthma adherence and outcomes. Few studies have looked at patient preference around mode of medication reminders used to improve and maintain asthma medication adherence.

Objective: To determine if, in a population already receiving automated medication reminders, offering a choice for preferred mode of reminder (text, email, phone) would improve their adherence and asthma outcomes over a 1-year period.

Methods: This was a pragmatic, randomized controlled trial conducted at Kaiser Permanente Colorado involving 7522 adult patients with persistent asthma. Study patients were randomized to receive usual care or their choice of medication reminder. Differences between the 2 groups in both medication adherence and asthma outcomes were then assessed over the following year.

Results: Only 30% of those offered a choice of medication reminder modality responded by making a choice, with 52% preferring text messaging. There was less of a decrease in adherence rate over the 1-year period in those who made a choice regarding the mode of medication refill reminder. There was no difference in asthma outcomes between those who did make a choice compared with those who did not make a choice regarding the mode of medication refill reminder.

Conclusion: In a patient population already receiving medication reminders, offering a choice about what type of technology-enabled asthma medication reminder patients wanted did not improve outcomes but did enable a subgroup to better maintain their medication adherence.

Trial registration: NCT02761837.

Conflict of interest statement

Disclosure Statement: The author(s) have no conflicts of interest to disclose.

Copyright © 2020 The Permanente Press. All rights reserved.


Figure 1.
Figure 1.
Breathewell study patients and preferences for inhaled corticosteroid refill reminders.


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