Core conflictual relationship theme: the reliability of a simplified scoring procedure

Peter Tallberg, Randi Ulberg, Hanne-Sofie Johnsen Dahl, Per Andreas Høglend, Peter Tallberg, Randi Ulberg, Hanne-Sofie Johnsen Dahl, Per Andreas Høglend


Background: Creating a case formulation is an important and basic skill in psychotherapy meant to guide treatment. A patient's interpersonal pattern is an essential part of a case formulation. Core Conflictual Relationship Theme (CCRT) is a well-known structured method to describe interpersonal patterns. The CCRT method is based on the assumption that humans display a central relationship theme, which is shown in most relationships as well as in the patient-therapist relation. The CCRT scoring is based on how the patient describes interactions with others, in therapy sessions or in a specific interview. These descriptions are transcribed. Raters then score the identified relational episodes by choosing elements from the clustered categories of Wishes, Response from Others and Response from Self. The method has shown high validity and reliability. Inter rater reliability is generally good: Cohen's kappa ranging from 0.55 to 0.70. To decide CCRT pattern from transcribed material is time consuming and labour intensive This study investigates a labour- and timesaving version of the method.

Methods: This study aimed to investigate rater agreement in a simplified method of scoring the CCRT, based directly on live semi-structured dynamic interviews without transcribing the material. Fifty-two patients referred for psychotherapy in a clinical trial, were scored for CCRT pattern. Based on information that came forth during the two-hour interview, raters scored the patients choosing elements from the clustered categories of Wishes, Response from Others and Response from Self. More than one category in each component could be chosen without ranking. Five raters compared two by two were investigated. Inter rater reliability was measured by Cohen's kappa.

Results: Mean kappa for Wishes, Response from Others and Response from Self was .33, .41 and .45 respectively. Mean kappa for CCRT in total was .41 among 5 raters.

Conclusion: In this simplified method to score the CCRT based on oral dynamic interviews, fair to moderate IRR was obtained.

Trial registration: First Experimental Study of Transference-interpretations (FEST307/95). Registration number: Identifier: NCT00423462.

Keywords: Core conflictual relationship theme; Psychodynamic; Rater agreement; Relationship patterns.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no financial or non-financial competing interests.


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