Impact of sleeve gastrectomy on weight loss, glucose homeostasis, and comorbidities in severely obese type 2 diabetic subjects

G Nosso, L Angrisani, G Saldalamacchia, P P Cutolo, M Cotugno, R Lupoli, G Vitolo, B Capaldo, G Nosso, L Angrisani, G Saldalamacchia, P P Cutolo, M Cotugno, R Lupoli, G Vitolo, B Capaldo


This study was undertaken to assess medium-term effects of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) on body weight and glucose homeostasis in severely obese type 2 diabetic (T2DM) subjects. Twenty-five obese T2DM subjects (10 M/15 F, age 45 ± 9 years, BMI 48 ± 8 kg/m(2), M ± SD) underwent evaluation of anthropometric/clinical parameters and glucose homeostasis before, 3 and 9-15 months after LSG. Mean BMI decreased from 48 ± 8 kg/m(2) to 40 ± 9 kg/m(2) (P < .001) at 3 months and 34 ± 6 kg/m(2) (P < .001) at 9-15 months after surgery. Remission of T2DM (fasting plasma glucose < 126 mg/dL and HbA1c < 6.5% in the absence of hypoglycemic treatment) occurred in all patients but one. There was a remarkable reduction in the percentage of patients requiring antihypertensive and hypolipidemic drugs. Our study shows that LSG is effective in producing a significant and sustained weight loss and improving glucose homeostasis in severely obese T2DM patients.


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Source: PubMed
