Electrodermal recording and fMRI to inform sensorimotor recovery in stroke patients

Bradley J MacIntosh, William E McIlroy, Richard Mraz, W Richard Staines, Sandra E Black, Simon J Graham, Bradley J MacIntosh, William E McIlroy, Richard Mraz, W Richard Staines, Sandra E Black, Simon J Graham


Background: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) appears to be useful for investigating motor recovery after stroke. Some of the potential confounders of brain activation studies, however, could be mitigated through complementary physiological monitoring.

Objective: To investigate a sensorimotor fMRI battery that included simultaneous measurement of electrodermal activity in subjects with hemiparetic stroke to provide a measure related to the sense of effort during motor performance.

Methods: Bilateral hand and ankle tasks were performed by 6 patients with stroke (2 subacute, 4 chronic) during imaging with blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) fMRI using an event-related design. BOLD percent changes, peak activation, and laterality index values were calculated in the sensorimotor cortex. Electrodermal recordings were made concurrently and used as a regressor.

Results: Sensorimotor BOLD time series and percent change values provided evidence of an intact motor network in each of these well-recovered patients. During tasks involving the hemiparetic limb, electrodermal activity changes were variable in amplitude, and electrodermal activity time-series data showed significant correlations with fMRI in 3 of 6 patients. No such correlations were observed for control tasks involving the unaffected lower limb.

Conclusions: Electrodermal activity activation maps implicated the contralesional over the ipsilesional hemisphere, supporting the notion that stroke patients may require higher order motor processing to perform simple tasks. Electrodermal activity recordings may be useful as a physiological marker of differences in effort required during movements of a subject's hemiparetic compared with the unaffected limb during fMRI studies.


Figure 1
Figure 1
T1-weighted magnetic resonance images for the stroke patients. The arrow indicates the primary lesion locations.
Figure 2
Figure 2
(A) Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activation maps for patient 3 during ankle dorsiflexion. Hemodynamic modeling of the fMRI data (HEMO) produced activation maps shown in the top panel (movement of left unaffected side) and middle panel (movement of right affected side). Electrodermal activity (EDA) modeling of the fMRI data (EDA map) produced significant activation in the contralesional hemisphere. (B) EDA time course during affected (aff) and unaffected (unaff) ankle dorsiflexion (top), along with the task waveform (bottom). Phasic changes in skin conductance appear to habituate after the first few trials during unaffected ankle dorsiflexion (unaff) task, whereas larger amplitude changes persist throughout the affected ankle task.
Figure 3
Figure 3
(A) HEMO and electrodermal activity (EDA) activation maps for patient 2 performing unilateral gripping with the affected hand. (B) Phasic changes in EDA are evident during 10 repetitions of gripping (top), with the task waveform plotted for reference (bottom).
Figure 4
Figure 4
Activation maps showing the results of fixed effects analysis of variance from HEMO (red to yellow) and electrodermal activity (EDA; blue to cyan) maps across 5 of 6 patients (Z > 3.1, P < .001, uncorrected). HEMO map produced significantly more voxels than the EDA map, but the cingulate and secondary somatosensory cortex emerged from the EDA group map.

Source: PubMed
