Global Perspectives on Immunization During Pregnancy and Priorities for Future Research and Development: An International Consensus Statement

Bahaa Abu-Raya, Kirsten Maertens, Kathryn M Edwards, Saad B Omer, Janet A Englund, Katie L Flanagan, Matthew D Snape, Gayatri Amirthalingam, Elke Leuridan, Pierre Van Damme, Vana Papaevangelou, Odile Launay, Ron Dagan, Magda Campins, Anna Franca Cavaliere, Tiziana Frusca, Sofia Guidi, Miguel O'Ryan, Ulrich Heininger, Tina Tan, Ahmed R Alsuwaidi, Marco A Safadi, Luz M Vilca, Nasamon Wanlapakorn, Shabir A Madhi, Michelle L Giles, Roman Prymula, Shamez Ladhani, Federico Martinón-Torres, Litjen Tan, Lessandra Michelin, Giovanni Scambia, Nicola Principi, Susanna Esposito, Bahaa Abu-Raya, Kirsten Maertens, Kathryn M Edwards, Saad B Omer, Janet A Englund, Katie L Flanagan, Matthew D Snape, Gayatri Amirthalingam, Elke Leuridan, Pierre Van Damme, Vana Papaevangelou, Odile Launay, Ron Dagan, Magda Campins, Anna Franca Cavaliere, Tiziana Frusca, Sofia Guidi, Miguel O'Ryan, Ulrich Heininger, Tina Tan, Ahmed R Alsuwaidi, Marco A Safadi, Luz M Vilca, Nasamon Wanlapakorn, Shabir A Madhi, Michelle L Giles, Roman Prymula, Shamez Ladhani, Federico Martinón-Torres, Litjen Tan, Lessandra Michelin, Giovanni Scambia, Nicola Principi, Susanna Esposito


Immunization during pregnancy has been recommended in an increasing number of countries. The aim of this strategy is to protect pregnant women and infants from severe infectious disease, morbidity and mortality and is currently limited to tetanus, inactivated influenza, and pertussis-containing vaccines. There have been recent advancements in the development of vaccines designed primarily for use in pregnant women (respiratory syncytial virus and group B Streptococcus vaccines). Although there is increasing evidence to support vaccination in pregnancy, important gaps in knowledge still exist and need to be addressed by future studies. This collaborative consensus paper provides a review of the current literature on immunization during pregnancy and highlights the gaps in knowledge and a consensus of priorities for future research initiatives, in order to optimize protection for both the mother and the infant.

Keywords: group B Streptococcus vaccines; influenza; maternal immunization; pertussis; pregnant women; respiratory syncytial virus; tetanus.

Copyright © 2020 Abu-Raya, Maertens, Edwards, Omer, Englund, Flanagan, Snape, Amirthalingam, Leuridan, Damme, Papaevangelou, Launay, Dagan, Campins, Cavaliere, Frusca, Guidi, O'Ryan, Heininger, Tan, Alsuwaidi, Safadi, Vilca, Wanlapakorn, Madhi, Giles, Prymula, Ladhani, Martinón-Torres, Tan, Michelin, Scambia, Principi and Esposito.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Countries with recommendations for immunization against pertussis in pregnancy by official authorities (for South America, pertussis immunization during pregnancy is recommended by The Pan American Health Organization). This figure was inspired by G. Amirthalingham and K. Maertens and created by K. Maertens.
Figure 2
Figure 2
A summary of the major factors affecting vaccination in pregnancy. Created by Claudio Rosa.


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