Cardiometabolic risk in polycystic ovary syndrome

Katica Bajuk Studen, Marija Pfeifer, Katica Bajuk Studen, Marija Pfeifer


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common disorder in women of reproductive age. Besides hyperandrogenism, oligomenorrhea and fertility issues, it is associated with a high prevalence of metabolic disorders and cardiovascular risk factors. Several genetic polymorphisms have been identified for possible associations with cardiometabolic derangements in PCOS. Different PCOS phenotypes differ significantly in their cardiometabolic risk, which worsens with severity of androgen excess. Due to methodological difficulties, longer time-scale data about cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in PCOS and about possible beneficial effects of different treatment interventions is missing leaving many issues regarding cardiovascular risk unresolved.

Keywords: PCOS; cardiometabolic risk; cardiovascular risk; hyperandrogenism; obesity.

© 2018 The authors.


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