From Surveillance to Intervention: Overview and Baseline Findings for the Active City of Liverpool Active Schools and SportsLinx (A-CLASS) Project

Nicola McWhannell, Lawrence Foweather, Lee E F Graves, Jayne L Henaghan, Nicola D Ridgers, Gareth Stratton, Nicola McWhannell, Lawrence Foweather, Lee E F Graves, Jayne L Henaghan, Nicola D Ridgers, Gareth Stratton


This paper outlines the implementation of a programme of work that started with the development of a population-level children's health, fitness and lifestyle study in 1996 (SportsLinx) leading to selected interventions one of which is described in detail: the Active City of Liverpool, Active Schools and SportsLinx (A-CLASS) Project. The A-CLASS Project aimed to quantify the effectiveness of structured and unstructured physical activity (PA) programmes on children's PA, fitness, body composition, bone health, cardiac and vascular structures, fundamental movement skills, physical self-perception and self-esteem. The study was a four-arm parallel-group school-based cluster randomised controlled trial (clinical trials no. NCT02963805), and compared different exposure groups: a high intensity PA (HIPA) group, a fundamental movement skill (FMS) group, a PA signposting (PASS) group and a control group, in a two-schools-per-condition design. Baseline findings indicate that children's fundamental movement skill competence levels are low-to-moderate, yet these skills are inversely associated with percentage body fat. Outcomes of this project will make an important contribution to the design and implementation of children's PA promotion initiatives.

Keywords: cardiovascular; fitness; fundamental movement skill; intervention; obesity; physical activity; physical self-perception.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


Figure 1
Figure 1
A-CLASS intervention design. Note: HIPA refers to High Intensity Physical Activity intervention; FMS refers to Fundamental Movement Skill intervention; PASS refers to Physical Activity Signposting Scheme intervention, CONT refers to the Control. T0 = baseline data collection (September 2006–mid-October 2006); T1 = 9 months post-intervention follow-up (June–mid-July 2007); T2 = 3 year follow-up (October 2009).
Figure 2
Figure 2
School and participant flow to baseline assessments. Note: HIPA, High Intensity Physical Activity intervention; FMS, Fundamental Movement Skill intervention; PASS, Physical Activity Signposting Scheme intervention.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Prevalence of proficiency at fundamental movement skills (** p < 0.01).


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