Skin Cancer Knowledge, Beliefs, Self-Efficacy, and Preventative Behaviors among North Mississippi Landscapers

Vinayak K Nahar, M Allison Ford, Jeffrey S Hallam, Martha A Bass, Amanda Hutcheson, Michael A Vice, Vinayak K Nahar, M Allison Ford, Jeffrey S Hallam, Martha A Bass, Amanda Hutcheson, Michael A Vice


There are slightly over one million workers in the landscape service industry in the US. These workers have potential for high levels of solar ultraviolet radiation exposure, increasing their risk of skin cancer. A cross-sectional sample of 109 landscapers completed a self-administered questionnaire based on Health Belief Model (HBM). The participants correctly answered 67.1% of the knowledge questions, 69.7% believed they were more likely than the average person to get skin cancer, and 87.2% perceived skin cancer as a severe disease. Participants believed that the use of wide-brimmed hats, long sleeved shirts/long pants, and sunscreen was beneficial but reported low usage of these and other sun protective strategies. The primary barriers to using sun protection were "I forget to wear it" and "it is too hot to wear." Of the HBM variables, perceived benefits outweighing perceived barrier (r = .285, P = .003) and self-efficacy (r = .538, P = .001) were correlated with sun protection behaviors. The reasons for absence of the relationship between perceived skin cancer threat and sun protection behaviors could be lack of skin cancer knowledge and low rate of personal skin cancer history.


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Source: PubMed
