Cardiovascular effect of dental anesthesia with articaine (40 mg with epinefrine 0,5 mg % and 40 mg with epinefrine 1 mg%) versus mepivacaine (30 mg and 20 mg with epinefrine 1 mg%) in medically compromised cardiac patients: a cross-over, randomized, single blinded study

Daniel Torres-Lagares, María-Ángeles Serrera-Figallo, Guillermo Machuca-Portillo, José-Ramón Corcuera-Flores, Carmen Machuca-Portillo, Raquel Castillo-Oyagüe, José-Luis Gutiérrez-Pérez, Daniel Torres-Lagares, María-Ángeles Serrera-Figallo, Guillermo Machuca-Portillo, José-Ramón Corcuera-Flores, Carmen Machuca-Portillo, Raquel Castillo-Oyagüe, José-Luis Gutiérrez-Pérez


Objectives: The aim of the present study is to compare cardiovascular safety profiles of two dental anesthetics: articaine versus two standard mepivacaine solutions used during etiological periodontal treatment in cardiovascular patients.

Study design: Using a cross-over study design, ten cardiovascular patients were randomly assigned to dental treatment with 1.8 mL of a local anesthetic injected on each quadrant of the mouth: Articaine (40 mg with Epinephrine 0.5 mg % and 40 mg with Epinephrine 1mg %) or Mepivacaine (30 mg and 20 mg with Epinephrine 1mg %). A computer programme enabled continuous longitudinal data collection: O2 saturation, blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR).

Results: No severe clinical side effects were observed. During the treatment period, we observed statistically significant differences as regards HR between injections with and without adrenalin (p< 0.039) and as regards systolic (p< 0.046) and diastolic (p < 0.046) blood pressure during the stabilization period. In both cases, the parameters under study increase. Age, gender, jaw treated, treatment duration and the rest of cardiovascular variables did not affect the results. None of the patients underwent ischemic alterations or any other complication derived from the treatment or the anesthesia.

Conclusions: According to the results of our study, dental anesthetics with standard concentrations of Epinephrine seem to alter HR and BP. Although no cardiac ischemic alterations or any other cardiovascular complications have been observed, we must be cautious with the administration of anesthetics containing vasoconstrictors in patients with cardiovascular diseases.


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