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Prospective Study on Changes in Acromegaly

5 de junho de 2012 atualizado por: Radboud University Medical Center


Rationale: Acromegaly is the clinical syndrome that results from an excess of growth hormone (GH). Craniofacial and hand disproportions due to soft tissue swelling and new bone formation are highly prevalent in patients with active acromegaly. Besides the cosmetic aspects, these changes can impair the quality of life because of the significant morbidity with respect to oral, maxillofacial and hand pathologies as well as respiratory problems such as sleep apnea and changes in speech. At present it is unclear if these craniofacial and hand disproportions, sleep apnea and speech changes are (partially) reversible after successful treatment. Therefore there is no consensus about the information patients should be given about (partial) recovery of facial and hand disproportions after treatment and how the follow-up with respect to oral, maxillofacial, respiratory and hand pathology should be organized. Facial and hand analysis using a 3D stereophotograph and a 3D fusion model of a 3D stereophotograph and a 3D skull reconstruction via cone beam computed tomography (CT)-scan makes it possible to investigate the craniofacial changes due to acromegaly in all facial dimensions together (dentition, bone and soft tissue) and the relational proportions between these facial structures. 3D stereophotography can do the same for the soft tissues of the hand. Combined with disease specific and general quality of life (QOL) questionnaires, a correlation between quality of life and craniofacial and hand disproportions can be determined. Combined with sleep- and speech analysis, a correlation between sleep apnea, speech and craniofacial disproportions can be determined.

Primary objective: To investigate the changes in facial- and hand analysis in patients with acromegaly as a result of medical treatment and pituitary surgery, and to investigate the changes in relational proportions between facial- and hand structures, incidence and severity of sleep apnea, incidence and severity of speech changes and QOL.

Study design: a prospective case-control study. Study population: Approximately thirty patients newly diagnosed with acromegaly . The results of facial and hand analysis, sleep apnea research and speech analysis of the patient group in different phases of the disease will be compared to the results of a healthy control group.

Main study parameters/endpoints: Parameters of facial analysis with 3D stereophotography and cone beam CT and hand analysis with 3D stereophotography , biochemical parameters of disease activity, disease related QOL assessed by 2 validated QOL questionnaires (,the AcroQol and RAND-36 ), speech analysis, the results of the voice handicap index questionnaire and severity of sleep apnea assessed by complete overnight polysomnography and the Epworth sleepiness scale questionnaire.

Nature and extent of the burden and risks associated with participation, benefit and group relatedness: As a result of participating in this study, subjects have to undergo a cone beam CT. The cone beam CT is associated with exposure to X-ray radiation of 0.069-0.135mSv. This is the same amount of radiation as the amount of background radiation that each person receives in 7 days time during daily life. No adverse effects are expected from this amount of exposure. The investigations will take 10-70 minutes adjacent to every regular outpatient clinic visit. In addition , for polysomnography, subjects will be investigated overnight one or three times in 2,5 years, depending on the results of the first screening polysomnography.

Assessment of changes in body appearance, sleep disturbances, speech changes and QOL in a prospective longitudinal fashion will increase the knowledge of the impact of the disease on patient perception of well-being and functioning and will help us refine the treatment goals in patients with acromegaly

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Tipo de estudo


Inscrição (Antecipado)


Contactos e Locais

Esta seção fornece os detalhes de contato para aqueles que conduzem o estudo e informações sobre onde este estudo está sendo realizado.

Locais de estudo

    • Gelderland
      • Nijmegen, Gelderland, Holanda, 6525 GA
        • Recrutamento
        • Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center
        • Contato:

Critérios de participação

Os pesquisadores procuram pessoas que se encaixem em uma determinada descrição, chamada de critérios de elegibilidade. Alguns exemplos desses critérios são a condição geral de saúde de uma pessoa ou tratamentos anteriores.

Critérios de elegibilidade

Idades elegíveis para estudo

18 anos e mais velhos (Adulto, Adulto mais velho)

Aceita Voluntários Saudáveis


Gêneros Elegíveis para o Estudo


Método de amostragem

Amostra Não Probabilística

População do estudo

Acromegaly patients and healthy controls


Inclusion Criteria:

  • Newly diagnosed acromegaly
  • Diagnosis is biochemically confirmed by an increased IGF-1 level (> mean +2 standard deviations for age) and insufficient suppression of serum GH levels (e.g. GH levels ≥ 2mU/l) during oral glucose tolerance test.
  • Subjects should be over 18 years old with the ability to read and comprehend the Dutch language

Exclusion Criteria:

4.3 Exclusion criteria imaging face:

  • Pregnancy
  • Maxillofacial surgical treatment in the past.

Exclusion criteria 3D imaging of the hand:

  • Hand surgery in the past

Exclusion criteria Speech analysis:

  • Speech pathology unrelated to acromegaly

Exclusion criteria polysomnography:

  • Co-morbidities that could influence the prevalence of sleep apnea (e.g. muscular dystrophy, known hypothyroidism)

Plano de estudo

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Detalhes do projeto

Colaboradores e Investigadores

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Datas de registro do estudo

Essas datas acompanham o progresso do registro do estudo e os envios de resumo dos resultados para Os registros do estudo e os resultados relatados são revisados ​​pela National Library of Medicine (NLM) para garantir que atendam aos padrões específicos de controle de qualidade antes de serem publicados no site público.

Datas Principais do Estudo

Início do estudo

1 de maio de 2012

Datas de inscrição no estudo

Enviado pela primeira vez

4 de junho de 2012

Enviado pela primeira vez que atendeu aos critérios de CQ

5 de junho de 2012

Primeira postagem (Estimativa)

6 de junho de 2012

Atualizações de registro de estudo

Última Atualização Postada (Estimativa)

6 de junho de 2012

Última atualização enviada que atendeu aos critérios de controle de qualidade

5 de junho de 2012

Última verificação

1 de maio de 2012

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