Impairment between Oxidant and Antioxidant Systems: Short- and Long-term Implications for Athletes' Health

Cristina Nocella, Vittoria Cammisotto, Fabio Pigozzi, Paolo Borrione, Chiara Fossati, Alessandra D'Amico, Roberto Cangemi, Mariangela Peruzzi, Giuliana Gobbi, Evaristo Ettorre, Giacomo Frati, Elena Cavarretta, Roberto Carnevale, SMiLe Group, Beatrice Benazzi, Chiara Bologna, Valeria Cipolla, Chiara Clerici, Leonardo Marini, Andrea Missimei, Giovanni Ormesi, Niccolò Pannozzo, Leonardo Rasile, Sara Ruci, Greta Venturini, Fabio Zara, Cristina Nocella, Vittoria Cammisotto, Fabio Pigozzi, Paolo Borrione, Chiara Fossati, Alessandra D'Amico, Roberto Cangemi, Mariangela Peruzzi, Giuliana Gobbi, Evaristo Ettorre, Giacomo Frati, Elena Cavarretta, Roberto Carnevale, SMiLe Group, Beatrice Benazzi, Chiara Bologna, Valeria Cipolla, Chiara Clerici, Leonardo Marini, Andrea Missimei, Giovanni Ormesi, Niccolò Pannozzo, Leonardo Rasile, Sara Ruci, Greta Venturini, Fabio Zara


The role of oxidative stress, an imbalance between reactive oxygen species production (ROS) and antioxidants, has been described in several patho-physiological conditions, including cardiovascular, neurological diseases and cancer, thus impacting on individuals' lifelong health. Diet, environmental pollution, and physical activity can play a significant role in the oxidative balance of an organism. Even if physical training has proved to be able to counteract the negative effects caused by free radicals and to provide many health benefits, it is also known that intensive physical activity induces oxidative stress, inflammation, and free radical-mediated muscle damage. Indeed, variations in type, intensity, and duration of exercise training can activate different patterns of oxidant-antioxidant balance leading to different responses in terms of molecular and cellular damage. The aim of the present review is to discuss (1) the role of oxidative status in athletes in relation to exercise training practice, (2) the implications for muscle damage, (3) the long-term effect for neurodegenerative disease manifestations, (4) the role of antioxidant supplementations in preventing oxidative damages.

Keywords: antioxidant; athletes; muscle damage; neurodegeneration; oxidative stress.

Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Schematic representation of the redox balance in three classes of athletes: amateur, elite, and master. High intensity exercise causes a redox imbalance that leads to different types of injuries, muscle damage, and development of neurodegenerative diseases. Furthermore, supplementation with antioxidants could restore the redox balance and reduce tissue damage mediated by oxidative stress in elite athletes.


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