CAD/CAM Resin-Based Composites for Use in Long-Term Temporary Fixed Dental Prostheses

Franziska Hensel, Andreas Koenig, Hans-Martin Doerfler, Florian Fuchs, Martin Rosentritt, Sebastian Hahnel, Franziska Hensel, Andreas Koenig, Hans-Martin Doerfler, Florian Fuchs, Martin Rosentritt, Sebastian Hahnel


The aim of this in vitro study was to analyse the performance of CAD/CAM resin-based composites for the fabrication of long-term temporary fixed dental prostheses (FDP) and to compare it to other commercially available alternative materials regarding its long-term stability. Four CAD/CAM materials [Structur CAD (SC), VITA CAD-Temp (CT), Grandio disc (GD), and Lava Esthetic (LE)] and two direct RBCs [(Structur 3 (S3) and LuxaCrown (LC)] were used to fabricate three-unit FDPs. 10/20 FDPs were subjected to thermal cycling and mechanical loading by chewing simulation and 10/20 FDPs were stored in distilled water. Two FDPs of each material were forwarded to additional image diagnostics prior and after chewing simulation. Fracture loads were measured and data were statistically analysed. SC is suitable for use as a long-term temporary (two years) three-unit FDP. In comparison to CT, SC featured significantly higher breaking forces (SC > 800 N; CT < 600 N) and the surface wear of the antagonists was (significantly) lower and the abrasion of the FDP was similar. The high breaking forces (1100-1327 N) of GD and the small difference compared to LE regarding flexural strength showed that the material might be used for the fabrication of three-unit FDPs. With the exception of S3, all analysed direct or indirect materials are suitable for the fabrication of temporary FDPs.

Keywords: RBC; chewing simulation; confocal laser scanning microscope; dimethacrylats; micro X-ray computer tomograph; surface wear; three-unit FDP.

Conflict of interest statement

The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript, or in the decision to publish the results.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Flowchart of the test program with imaging techniques [micro X-ray computer tomograph (µXCT), confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM, 2D), 3D scanner (3D-LS, 3D)] and universal testing machine.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Failure loads without (10 samples per material) and after simultaneous chewing simulation and thermocycling (CS + TC) (8 samples per material; exception: S3; only four FDPs were forwarded to fracture analysis due to a 50% failure rate in chewing simulation).
Figure 3
Figure 3
Example of a surface match analysis with GOM Inspect software, v. 2020 (GOM GmbH, Braunschweig, Germany).
Figure 4
Figure 4
Increasing surface wear of the enstatite antagonists.
Figure 5
Figure 5
µXCT sectional images from the centre of the three-unit FDPs, each with the total porosity (measured on a region of interest (ROI) 6 mm × 4 mm × 4.2 mm from the centre of the restoration).
Figure 5
Figure 5
µXCT sectional images from the centre of the three-unit FDPs, each with the total porosity (measured on a region of interest (ROI) 6 mm × 4 mm × 4.2 mm from the centre of the restoration).


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