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Causes and Characteristics of Occupational Eye Injuries in Western Turkey

16 mars 2011 uppdaterad av: Pamukkale University

Patients with work-related eye injuries (WREI) admitted to the center in the four-year period were enrolled in this prospective study. Institutional Review Board approval was obtained before commencement of the study. A special data recording system was developed for the study. The study sample comprised only the casualties occurred at workplace and while working de facto. The data were abstracted via face to face contact in the emergency department (ED). The data sheets comprised sociodemographic and injury-related information brought together in 15-item questionnaire. Causes of occupational injuries as reported by the victims were assigned to either of two groups: "Worker-related causes" and "workplace-related causes".

Since workers are known to be pressured by the workplace to work in unsafe ways, an isolated room in the ED was used for this purpose in order to prevent bias and the patients were not accompanied by any person other than the medical personnel in charge of due medical care. The patients were also assured that the information obtained by the survey are to be used for research purposes only and no feedback is to be given to employers or related persons.

Patients who did not give consent for the study, fatal accidents and patients younger than 15 years of age were excluded from the analysis.


Detaljerad beskrivning

All data obtained in the study were recorded in and analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows, Version 17. Numerical variables were given as mean and standard deviation (SD), while categorical variables were given as frequencies (n) and percentages.



Inskrivning (Faktisk)



Forskare letar efter personer som passar en viss beskrivning, så kallade behörighetskriterier. Några exempel på dessa kriterier är en persons allmänna hälsotillstånd eller tidigare behandlingar.


Åldrar som är berättigade till studier

15 år och äldre (Barn, Vuxen, Äldre vuxen)

Tar emot friska volontärer


Kön som är behöriga för studier




Studera befolkning

Patients with WREI admitted to the center in the four-year period were enrolled in this prospective study. Institutional Review Board approval was obtained before commencement of the study. A special data recording system was developed for the study. The study sample comprised only the casualties occurred at workplace and while working de facto.


Inclusion Criteria:

  • The study sample comprised only the casualties occurred at workplace and while working de facto

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Other


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Samarbetspartners och utredare

Det är här du hittar personer och organisationer som är involverade i denna studie.


  • Studierektor: mustafa serinken, MD, Pamukkale University


Dessa datum spårar framstegen för inlämningar av studieposter och sammanfattande resultat till Studieposter och rapporterade resultat granskas av National Library of Medicine (NLM) för att säkerställa att de uppfyller specifika kvalitetskontrollstandarder innan de publiceras på den offentliga webbplatsen.

Studera stora datum


1 januari 2007

Avslutad studie (Faktisk)

1 januari 2011


Först inskickad

16 mars 2011

Först inskickad som uppfyllde QC-kriterierna

16 mars 2011

Första postat (Uppskatta)

17 mars 2011

Uppdateringar av studier

Senaste uppdatering publicerad (Uppskatta)

17 mars 2011

Senaste inskickade uppdateringen som uppfyllde QC-kriterierna

16 mars 2011

Senast verifierad

1 november 2006

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