Evaluation of nonlinear frequency compression: clinical outcomes

Danielle Glista, Susan Scollie, Marlene Bagatto, Richard Seewald, Vijay Parsa, Andrew Johnson, Danielle Glista, Susan Scollie, Marlene Bagatto, Richard Seewald, Vijay Parsa, Andrew Johnson


This study evaluated prototype multichannel nonlinear frequency compression (NFC) signal processing on listeners with high-frequency hearing loss. This signal processor applies NFC above a cut-off frequency. The participants were hearing-impaired adults (13) and children (11) with sloping, high-frequency hearing loss. Multiple outcome measures were repeated using a modified withdrawal design. These included speech sound detection, speech recognition, and self-reported preference measures. Group level results provide evidence of significant improvement of consonant and plural recognition when NFC was enabled. Vowel recognition did not change significantly. Analysis of individual results allowed for exploration of individual factors contributing to benefit received from NFC processing. Findings suggest that NFC processing can improve high frequency speech detection and speech recognition ability for adult and child listeners. Variability in individual outcomes related to factors such as degree and configuration of hearing loss, age of participant, and type of outcome measure.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Mean better ear pure-tone thresholds ±1 standard deviation for adults and children.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Mean speech sound detection thresholds for adults and children combined, plotted in dB HL for CP (conventional processing) and NFC (nonlinear frequency compression) study phases.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Mean speech recognition scores for adults and children combined, plotted in RAU for CP (conventional processing) and NFC (nonlinear frequency compression) study phases. Statistical significance based on post-hoc analysis at the level of p

Figure 4

Individual speech sound detection thresholds…

Figure 4

Individual speech sound detection thresholds plotted as difference scores, with a negative score…

Figure 4
Individual speech sound detection thresholds plotted as difference scores, with a negative score indicating improvement with CP (conventional processing) and a positive score indicating improvement with NFC (nonlinear frequency compression). Results displayed in the top and bottom panes represent the adult and child participants respectively, with participants arranged in order of increasing hearing loss. Statistical significance is shown by asterisk symbols: *p

Figure 5

Individual speech recognition results for…

Figure 5

Individual speech recognition results for the adult participants, plotted for treatment (NFC) and…

Figure 5
Individual speech recognition results for the adult participants, plotted for treatment (NFC) and treatment withdrawal (CP) study phases. Results are displayed from left to right in order of increasing hearing loss determined by better-ear, high-frequency pure-tone average (HFPTA). Speech recognition scores have been displayed in RAU. Statistical significance is shown by asterisk symbols: *p

Figure 6

Individual speech recognition results for…

Figure 6

Individual speech recognition results for the child participants, plotted for treatment (NFC) and…

Figure 6
Individual speech recognition results for the child participants, plotted for treatment (NFC) and treatment withdrawal (CP) study phases. Refer to legend on Figure 5. Results are displayed from left to right in order of increasing hearing loss determined by better-ear, high-frequency pure-tone average (HFPTA). Speech recognition scores have been displayed in RAU. Statistical significance is shown by asterisk symbols: *p
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    1. Auriemmo J., Kuk F., Stenger P. Criteria for evaluating the performance of linear frequency transposition in children. Hear J. 2008;61:50–54.
    1. Bagatto M., Moodie S., Scollie S., Seewald R., Moodie S.K., et al. Clinical protocols for hearing instrument fitting in the desired sensation level method. Trends in Amplif. 2005;9(4):199–226. - PMC - PubMed
    1. Beasley D., Mosher N., Orchik D. Use of frequency-shifted/time-compressed speech with hearing-impaired children. Audiology. 1976;15:395–406. - PubMed
    1. Bennett D., Byers V. Increased intelligibility in the hypacusis by slow-play frequency transposition. J Aud Res. 1967;7:107–118.
    1. Bentler R.A., Niebuhr D.P., Johnson T.A., Flamme G.A. Impact of digital labeling on outcome measures. Ear Hear. 2003;24(3):215–224. - PubMed
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Figure 4
Figure 4
Individual speech sound detection thresholds plotted as difference scores, with a negative score indicating improvement with CP (conventional processing) and a positive score indicating improvement with NFC (nonlinear frequency compression). Results displayed in the top and bottom panes represent the adult and child participants respectively, with participants arranged in order of increasing hearing loss. Statistical significance is shown by asterisk symbols: *p

Figure 5

Individual speech recognition results for…

Figure 5

Individual speech recognition results for the adult participants, plotted for treatment (NFC) and…

Figure 5
Individual speech recognition results for the adult participants, plotted for treatment (NFC) and treatment withdrawal (CP) study phases. Results are displayed from left to right in order of increasing hearing loss determined by better-ear, high-frequency pure-tone average (HFPTA). Speech recognition scores have been displayed in RAU. Statistical significance is shown by asterisk symbols: *p

Figure 6

Individual speech recognition results for…

Figure 6

Individual speech recognition results for the child participants, plotted for treatment (NFC) and…

Figure 6
Individual speech recognition results for the child participants, plotted for treatment (NFC) and treatment withdrawal (CP) study phases. Refer to legend on Figure 5. Results are displayed from left to right in order of increasing hearing loss determined by better-ear, high-frequency pure-tone average (HFPTA). Speech recognition scores have been displayed in RAU. Statistical significance is shown by asterisk symbols: *p
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    1. Auriemmo J., Kuk F., Stenger P. Criteria for evaluating the performance of linear frequency transposition in children. Hear J. 2008;61:50–54.
    1. Bagatto M., Moodie S., Scollie S., Seewald R., Moodie S.K., et al. Clinical protocols for hearing instrument fitting in the desired sensation level method. Trends in Amplif. 2005;9(4):199–226. - PMC - PubMed
    1. Beasley D., Mosher N., Orchik D. Use of frequency-shifted/time-compressed speech with hearing-impaired children. Audiology. 1976;15:395–406. - PubMed
    1. Bennett D., Byers V. Increased intelligibility in the hypacusis by slow-play frequency transposition. J Aud Res. 1967;7:107–118.
    1. Bentler R.A., Niebuhr D.P., Johnson T.A., Flamme G.A. Impact of digital labeling on outcome measures. Ear Hear. 2003;24(3):215–224. - PubMed
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Figure 5
Figure 5
Individual speech recognition results for the adult participants, plotted for treatment (NFC) and treatment withdrawal (CP) study phases. Results are displayed from left to right in order of increasing hearing loss determined by better-ear, high-frequency pure-tone average (HFPTA). Speech recognition scores have been displayed in RAU. Statistical significance is shown by asterisk symbols: *p

Figure 6

Individual speech recognition results for…

Figure 6

Individual speech recognition results for the child participants, plotted for treatment (NFC) and…

Figure 6
Individual speech recognition results for the child participants, plotted for treatment (NFC) and treatment withdrawal (CP) study phases. Refer to legend on Figure 5. Results are displayed from left to right in order of increasing hearing loss determined by better-ear, high-frequency pure-tone average (HFPTA). Speech recognition scores have been displayed in RAU. Statistical significance is shown by asterisk symbols: *p
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    1. Auriemmo J., Kuk F., Stenger P. Criteria for evaluating the performance of linear frequency transposition in children. Hear J. 2008;61:50–54.
    1. Bagatto M., Moodie S., Scollie S., Seewald R., Moodie S.K., et al. Clinical protocols for hearing instrument fitting in the desired sensation level method. Trends in Amplif. 2005;9(4):199–226. - PMC - PubMed
    1. Beasley D., Mosher N., Orchik D. Use of frequency-shifted/time-compressed speech with hearing-impaired children. Audiology. 1976;15:395–406. - PubMed
    1. Bennett D., Byers V. Increased intelligibility in the hypacusis by slow-play frequency transposition. J Aud Res. 1967;7:107–118.
    1. Bentler R.A., Niebuhr D.P., Johnson T.A., Flamme G.A. Impact of digital labeling on outcome measures. Ear Hear. 2003;24(3):215–224. - PubMed
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Figure 6
Figure 6
Individual speech recognition results for the child participants, plotted for treatment (NFC) and treatment withdrawal (CP) study phases. Refer to legend on Figure 5. Results are displayed from left to right in order of increasing hearing loss determined by better-ear, high-frequency pure-tone average (HFPTA). Speech recognition scores have been displayed in RAU. Statistical significance is shown by asterisk symbols: *p


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