Recommendations for hypofractionated whole-breast irradiation

SBRT, Brazilian Society of Radiotherapy, Nilceana Maya Aires Freitas, Arthur Accioly Rosa, Gustavo Nader Marta, Samir Abdalla Hanna, Rodrigo de Morais Hanriot, Allisson Bruno Barcelos Borges, Guilherme Rocha Melo Gondim, Antonio Cassio Assis Pellizzon, Igor Moreira Veras, Wilson José de Almeida Júnior, Claudia Regina Scaramello Hadlich Willis Fernandez, Eronides Salustiano Batalha Filho, Marcus Simões Castilho, Felipe Quintino Kuhnen, Rosa Maria Xavier Faria Najas, Renato José Affonso Júnior, André Campana Correia Leite, Homero Lavieri Martins Ribeiro, Ruffo Freitas Junior, Harley Francisco de Oliveira, SBRT, Brazilian Society of Radiotherapy, Nilceana Maya Aires Freitas, Arthur Accioly Rosa, Gustavo Nader Marta, Samir Abdalla Hanna, Rodrigo de Morais Hanriot, Allisson Bruno Barcelos Borges, Guilherme Rocha Melo Gondim, Antonio Cassio Assis Pellizzon, Igor Moreira Veras, Wilson José de Almeida Júnior, Claudia Regina Scaramello Hadlich Willis Fernandez, Eronides Salustiano Batalha Filho, Marcus Simões Castilho, Felipe Quintino Kuhnen, Rosa Maria Xavier Faria Najas, Renato José Affonso Júnior, André Campana Correia Leite, Homero Lavieri Martins Ribeiro, Ruffo Freitas Junior, Harley Francisco de Oliveira


This recommendation consensus for hypofractionated whole-breast radiotherapy (RT) was organized by the Brazilian Society of Radiotherapy (SBRT) considering the optimal scenario for indication and safety in the technology applied. All controversies and contraindication matters (hypofractionated RT in patients who underwent chemotherapy [CT], hypofractionated RT in lymphatic drainage, hypofractionated RT after mastectomy with or without immediate reconstruction, boost during surgery, hypofractionated RT in patients under 50 years old, hypofractionated RT in large breasts, hypofractionated RT in histology of carcinoma in situ [DCIS]) was discussed during a meeting in person, and a consensus was reached when there was an agreement of at least 75% among panel members. The grade for recommendation was also suggested according to the level of scientific evidence available, qualified as weak, medium, or strong. Thus, this consensus will aid Brazilian radiotherapy experts regarding indications and particularities of this technique as a viable and safe alternative for the national reality.

Source: PubMed
