Acute blood pressure responses after different isometric handgrip protocols in hypertensive patients

Gustavo O Silva, Breno Q Farah, Antonio H Germano-Soares, Aluísio Andrade-Lima, Fabio S Santana, Sérgio Lc Rodrigues, Raphael M Ritti-Dias, Gustavo O Silva, Breno Q Farah, Antonio H Germano-Soares, Aluísio Andrade-Lima, Fabio S Santana, Sérgio Lc Rodrigues, Raphael M Ritti-Dias


Objective: The present study analyzed blood pressure responses after a single session of isometric handgrip exercise performed with different volumes and intensities by patients with hypertension.

Methods: This randomized crossover trial submitted 12 hypertensive patients (58±5 years old) to four isometric handgrip exercise sessions in a random order: 4 x 2 min at 30% of the maximal voluntary contraction (S30%); 4 x 2 min at 50% of the maximal voluntary contraction (S50%2min); 4 x 3 min at 30% of the maximal voluntary contraction (S30%3min); and a control session. The systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate, and rate-pressure product were measured pre- and post-exercise (30th min).

Results: No significant changes were observed in cardiovascular variables after any session (p>0.05 for all comparisons). Similarly, individual analyses revealed heterogeneity in the responses, including increases in blood pressure observed in some sessions. Patients with reduced blood pressure after an isometric handgrip exercise session exhibited a higher body mass index, diastolic blood pressure and heart rate (p<0.05). They also tended to be younger (p=0.07).

Conclusion: Isometric handgrip exercise performed with different intensities and volumes did not reduce the blood pressure of hypertensive patients.

Conflict of interest statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Design of the experimental sessions. BP - blood pressure measurement.
Figure 2
Figure 2
Systolic (A) and diastolic (B) blood pressure (BP), heart rate (C), and rate-pressure product (RPP - D) before and after a session of handgrip exercise with different intensities and volumes. CS - control session.
Figure 3
Figure 3
Individual net effect of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP) after a session of exercise with different intensities and volumes.


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