An Automated Quiet Sleep Detection Approach in Preterm Infants as a Gateway to Assess Brain Maturation

Anneleen Dereymaeker, Kirubin Pillay, Jan Vervisch, Sabine Van Huffel, Gunnar Naulaers, Katrien Jansen, Maarten De Vos, Anneleen Dereymaeker, Kirubin Pillay, Jan Vervisch, Sabine Van Huffel, Gunnar Naulaers, Katrien Jansen, Maarten De Vos


Sleep state development in preterm neonates can provide crucial information regarding functional brain maturation and give insight into neurological well being. However, visual labeling of sleep stages from EEG requires expertise and is very time consuming, prompting the need for an automated procedure. We present a robust method for automated detection of preterm sleep from EEG, over a wide postmenstrual age ([Formula: see text] age) range, focusing first on Quiet Sleep (QS) as an initial marker for sleep assessment. Our algorithm, CLuster-based Adaptive Sleep Staging (CLASS), detects QS if it remains relatively more discontinuous than non-QS over PMA. CLASS was optimized on a training set of 34 recordings aged 27-42 weeks PMA, and performance then assessed on a distinct test set of 55 recordings of the same age range. Results were compared to visual QS labeling from two independent raters (with inter-rater agreement [Formula: see text]), using Sensitivity, Specificity, Detection Factor ([Formula: see text] of visual QS periods correctly detected by CLASS) and Misclassification Factor ([Formula: see text] of CLASS-detected QS periods that are misclassified). CLASS performance proved optimal across recordings at 31-38 weeks (median [Formula: see text], median MF 0-0.25, median Sensitivity 0.93-1.0, and median Specificity 0.80-0.91 across this age range), with minimal misclassifications at 35-36 weeks (median [Formula: see text]). To illustrate the potential of CLASS in facilitating clinical research, normal maturational trends over PMA were derived from CLASS-estimated QS periods, visual QS estimates, and nonstate specific periods (containing QS and non-QS) in the EEG recording. CLASS QS trends agreed with those from visual QS, with both showing stronger correlations than nonstate specific trends. This highlights the benefit of automated QS detection for exploring brain maturation.

Keywords: CLASS; EEG; automated sleep detection; brain maturation; preterm neonate; quiet sleep.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Histogram of the total number of EEG recordings used in the study, ordered by PMA. There are a total of 89 recordings ranging from 27 to 42 weeks PMA.
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
(Color online) (a) Flowchart of the stages of EEG processing by CLASS. (b) Illustration of the Adaptive Segmentation (ASG) stage for a 100 s period of EEG in a single channel. Red line denote the ASG segment boundaries. (c) Illustration of a Cluster-Time Profile for a 2 h epoch of EEG from a single channel. Features are extracted from each segment defined by ASG and then clustered and the corresponding segment cluster labels are then plotted over time for each sample. (d) The average cluster-time profile determined by taking the mean profile across all channels. Regions of increasing cluster fluctuation (shaded) correspond to higher EEG discontinuity and QS periods. (e) De-trended signal after subtraction of the average channel from its running mean. (f) The square of the zeroed signal with the signal envelope shown by a red curve. (g) The signal envelope of a complete 4 h EEG recording, with the mean threshold to estimate the QS periods shown in red. Here, the 4 h signal envelope is formed by stitching the signal envelope processed for every 2 h epoch of EEG. The first 2 h of the stitched envelope shown in this figure correspond to the envelope derived in (f). (h) The QS periods as estimated by CLASS after thresholding with the mean of the signal envelope. Estimated QS periods are shaded. (i) The shaded QS periods as visually estimated by the clinician using the full PSG recording.
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
Illustration of the ASR method. (a) Top: A 30-min epoch of bandpass filtered (1–40 Hz) EEG in a single channel, before ASR is applied. High power artifacts are shaded. Bottom: The bandpass filtered signal after ASR is applied. The same shaded artifacts are now reduced while surrounding clean periods of the signal remain intact. (b) Illustration of the cleaning procedure of ASR on the EEG recording. Reconstruction metrics are calculated within the sliding window S in order to clean the sample of data along the dotted line denoted by s. As the sliding window moves sample-by-sample across the recording, the metrics are updated and the new sample s is cleaned.
Fig. 4
Fig. 4
Assessing the performance of CLASS on a test set of 55 recordings aged 27–42 weeks PMA. (a) ROC of CLASS performance by varying the detection threshold while keeping all other optimized parameters constant. ROC curves for each recording in the test set (in gray) are shown, and resulting median ROC curve (in black). The AUC of the median ROC curve is also presented. (b) CLASS performance with respect to PMA denoting Sensitivity (Sens), Specificity (Spec), DF and MF. DF and MF denote Detection Factor and Misclassification Factor measures, respectively. DF measures the proportion of visually labeled QS periods correctly detected by CLASS, while MF measures the proportion of CLASS-detected periods that do not correspond to the visual QS periods (i.e. are misclassifications). Error bars denote the medians and IQRs.


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