Small is beautiful: In defense of the small-N design

Philip L Smith, Daniel R Little, Philip L Smith, Daniel R Little


The dominant paradigm for inference in psychology is a null-hypothesis significance testing one. Recently, the foundations of this paradigm have been shaken by several notable replication failures. One recommendation to remedy the replication crisis is to collect larger samples of participants. We argue that this recommendation misses a critical point, which is that increasing sample size will not remedy psychology's lack of strong measurement, lack of strong theories and models, and lack of effective experimental control over error variance. In contrast, there is a long history of research in psychology employing small-N designs that treats the individual participant as the replication unit, which addresses each of these failings, and which produces results that are robust and readily replicated. We illustrate the properties of small-N and large-N designs using a simulated paradigm investigating the stage structure of response times. Our simulations highlight the high power and inferential validity of the small-N design, in contrast to the lower power and inferential indeterminacy of the large-N design. We argue that, if psychology is to be a mature quantitative science, then its primary theoretical aim should be to investigate systematic, functional relationships as they are manifested at the individual participant level and that, wherever possible, it should use methods that are optimized to identify relationships of this kind.

Keywords: Inference; Mathematical psychology; Methodology; Replication.


Fig. 1
Fig. 1
Simulated results for N = 4 participants. The dotted line shows the average power estimate, and the shaded region is the bootstrapped 95% confidence intervals for each analysis. The x-axis is the magnitude of the interaction parameter in the generating model (Equation A4); the y-axis is the proportion of times in which a significant interaction was identified in the simulations
Fig. 2
Fig. 2
Individual- and group-level analysis as a function of increasing the sample size (from top to bottom). The x-axis is the magnitude of the interaction parameter and the y-axis is the proportion of significant interactions found in the simulation
Fig. 3
Fig. 3
Sampling distributions for each level of δ. The vertical dotted line indicates the average value for the group. The panels show heterogeneous nonnormal populations in which some proportion of the participants exhibit an interaction and some proportion do not. The proportion progressively increases from top to bottom


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