Relationship between fall-related efficacy and activity engagement in community-dwelling older adults: a meta-analytic review

Stacey Schepens, Ananda Sen, Jane A Painter, Susan L Murphy, Stacey Schepens, Ananda Sen, Jane A Painter, Susan L Murphy


Objective: Fear of falling can lead to restricted activity, but little is known about how this fear affects different aspects of people's lives. This study examined the relationship between fall-related efficacy (i.e., confidence or belief in one's ability to perform activities without losing balance or falling) and activity and participation.

Method: We conducted a meta-analysis of studies comparing community-dwelling older adults' fall-related efficacy to measures of activity or participation.

Results: An examination of 20 cross-sectional and prospective studies found a strong positive relationship between fall-related efficacy and activity (r = .53; 95% CI [.47, .58]). An insufficient number of studies examining fall-related efficacy and participation were available for analysis.

Conclusion: Low fall-related efficacy may be an important barrier to occupational engagement for many older adults and warrants careful consideration by occupational therapists. Future research should explore interventions that target fall-related efficacy and examine their effects on activity performance and engagement.

Copyright © 2012 by the American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.


Figure 1. Selection process of studies considered…
Figure 1. Selection process of studies considered for and included in the meta-analysis
Note. ABC = Activities-specific Balance Confidence scale; FES = Falls Efficacy Scale.
Figure 2. Forest plot depicting the average…
Figure 2. Forest plot depicting the average r value and associated 95% confidence interval from 20 distinct studies, as well as the pooled r value


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