The potential of stem cells in the treatment of skeletal muscle injury and disease

S Maclean, W S Khan, A A Malik, S Anand, M Snow, S Maclean, W S Khan, A A Malik, S Anand, M Snow


Tissue engineering is a pioneering field with huge advances in recent times. These advances are not only in the understanding of how cells can be manipulated but also in potential clinical applications. Thus, tissue engineering, when applied to skeletal muscle cells, is an area of huge prospective benefit to patients with muscle disease/damage. This could include damage to muscle from trauma and include genetic abnormalities, for example, muscular dystrophies. Much of this research thus far has been focused on satellite cells, however, mesenchymal stem cells have more recently come to the fore. In particular, results of trials and further research into their use in heart failure, stress incontinence, and muscular dystrophies are eagerly awaited. Although no doubt, stem cells will have much to offer in the future, the results of further research still limit their use.


Figure 1
Figure 1
Cell surface epitope characterisation of passage 2 infrapatellar fat-pad-derived stem cells using a panel of antibodies. Cell surface staining using FITC-conjugated secondary antibody (green) and DAPI (blue) shows that the cells stain strongly for CD13, 29, 44, 90, and 105, and poorly for 3G5, LNGFR, STRO-1, and CD34 and 56. No staining was observed for the IgG control. The staining pattern is confirmed by flow cytometry and shows the increase in fluorescence (green) compared with the autofluorescence (black) [21].


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