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A Multiple Dose Opioid Challenge Study

2019年11月11日 更新者:Braeburn Pharmaceuticals

A Multiple Dose Opioid Challenge Study to Assess Blockade of Subjective Opioid Effects of CAM2038 q1w (Buprenorphine FluidCrystal® Subcutaneous Injection Depots) In Adults With Opioid Use Disorder

Multi-site, randomized, double-blind, repeat-dose Phase 2 study to evaluate the degree and duration of action of multiple doses of CAM2038 in blocking the effects of hydromorphone in patients with moderate or severe opioid use disorder.






This is a multi-site, randomized, double-blind, repeat-dose Phase 2 study to evaluate the degree and duration of action of multiple doses of CAM2038 q1w in blocking the effects of a mu opioid agonist (hydromorphone) in patients with moderate or severe opioid use disorder. The study will involve 4 phases: Screening, Qualification, Treatment, and Follow-up.

The study will enroll a sufficient number of subjects to ensure that at least 48 subjects complete the study (24 subjects per group with at least 16 females in total). Replacement subjects may be added at the discretion of the sponsor with the agreement of the investigator.



注册 (实际的)



  • 阶段2




    • Kansas
      • Overland Park、Kansas、美国、66212
        • Vince and Associates Clinical Research
    • Kentucky
      • Lexington、Kentucky、美国、40513
        • University of Kentucky
    • New York
      • New York、New York、美国、10032
        • New York Psychiatric Institute





18年 至 55年 (成人)





Inclusion Criteria:

  1. Patient had to provide written informed consent prior to the conduct of any study-related procedures.
  2. Male or female, 18-55 years of age, inclusive.
  3. Patients with a diagnosis of moderate or severe opioid use disorder (DSM-V) who were physically dependent on intravenous (IV) or insufflated opioids, and who were willing to undergo short-term BPN treatment.
  4. Self-reported opioid-use of a minimum of 21 days in the 30 days prior to Screening.
  5. Positive UDS for opioids at Screening or at check-in. If UDS was not positive, patients had to present with physical signs of withdrawal, as determined by the Investigator. The Investigator may have administered a naloxone challenge, in order to confirm opioid dependence at the Investigator's discretion.
  6. Female patients of childbearing potential had to be willing to use a reliable method of contraception during the entire study (Screening Visit to Follow-up Phone Call).
  7. Female patients of non-childbearing potential were surgically sterile (i.e., had undergone complete hysterectomy, bilateral oophorectomy, or tubal ligation) or in a menopausal state (at least 1 year without menses), as confirmed by follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels.
  8. Male patients with female partners of childbearing potential had to agree to use a reliable method of contraception from Screening Visit through at least 3 months after the last dose of study drug. Male patients also must have agreed not to donate sperm during the study through at least 3 months after the last dose of study drug.
  9. Were willing and able to comply with the study requirements (including blood sampling), complete study assessments, visit the clinic, and remain confined in the CRU for up to 25 consecutive days.

Exclusion Criteria:

  1. History or presence of any clinically significant psychiatric, endocrine, hematologic, hepatic, immunologic, metabolic, urologic, pulmonary, neurologic, dermatologic, renal, or other major disease or illness at Screening, which in the opinion of the Investigator would have jeopardized the safety of the patient or the validity of the study results.
  2. Opioid-dependent patients who were actively seeking treatment for their moderate to severe opioid use disorder.
  3. Patients with positive UDS for BPN, barbiturates, or methadone or breath alcohol on the day of check-in to the CRU.
  4. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) levels >3 X the upper limit of normal, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels >3 X the upper limit of normal, total bilirubin >1.5 X the upper limit of normal, or creatinine >1.5 X the upper limit of normal on the Screening laboratory assessments and at inpatient check-in, or other clinically significant laboratory abnormalities, which in the opinion of the Investigator may have prevented the patient from safely participating in study.
  5. Any clinically significant abnormality on the basis of medical history, vital signs, physical examination, 12-lead electrocardiogram ([ECG], QTcF ≥450 msec for males or ≥470 msec for females), and laboratory evaluation (including hematology, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, and serology [optional]) at Screening, in the opinion of the Investigator.
  6. Significant symptoms, medical conditions, or other circumstances which, in the opinion of the Investigator, would have precluded compliance with the protocol, adequate cooperation in the study or obtaining informed consent, or may have prevented the patient from safely participating in study (including, but not limited to, the risks described as precautions, warnings, and contraindications in the current version of the Investigator's Brochure for CAM2038).
  7. Patients were carefully screened to exclude individuals presenting with a clinically significant history of seizure disorders, history of asthma or other respiratory disorders, head injury, hypertension, or personal history of cardiovascular disease or clinically significant ECG abnormalities.
  8. Current diagnosis of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome.
  9. Current diagnosis of chronic pain requiring opioids for treatment.
  10. Patients who met the criteria for a diagnosis of moderate or severe substance use disorder according to DSM-V criteria for any other substances other than opioids, caffeine, or tobacco.
  11. Pregnant or lactating, or planned to become pregnant during the study.
  12. Clinically significant history of or current evidence of suicidal ideation or active suicidal behavior as based on the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS; grade 4 or 5).
  13. Hypersensitivity or allergy to BPN or other opioids or excipients of CAM2038.
  14. Intolerance to venipuncture and/or difficulty with venous access, as per the judgment of the Investigator/research staff.
  15. Patient was using an investigational drug or monoamine oxidase inhibitor or had used such within the last 30 days (or 5 times the half-life of the drug, if known and longer) prior to first drug administration in the Qualification Phase (i.e., IR morphine sulfate).
  16. Required current use of agents that were strong inhibitors or inducers of cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4), such as some azole antifungals (e.g., ketoconazole), macrolide antibiotics (e.g., clarithromycin), or protease inhibitors (e.g., ritonavir, indinavir, and saquinavir).
  17. If the patient was currently on probation or had any pending legal action that could have prohibited participation or compliance in the study.
  18. A patient who, in the opinion of the Investigator, was considered unsuitable or unlikely to comply with the study protocol for any reason.





  • 主要用途:治疗
  • 分配:随机化
  • 介入模型:并行分配
  • 屏蔽:双倍的


实验性的:CAM2038 q1w, 24 mg
CAM2038 q1w 24 mg will be administered on Day 0 and Day 7. Hydromorphone 0 mg (placebo), 6 mg and 18 mg will be subsequently administered during 4 challenge sessions on Days 1-3, 4-6, 8-10 and 11-13
CAM2038 subcutaneous injection
实验性的:CAM2038 q1w, 32 mg
CAM2038 q1w 32 mg will be administered on Day 0 and Day 7. Hydromorphone 0 mg (placebo), 6 mg and 18 mg will be subsequently administered during 4 challenge sessions on Days 1-3, 4-6, 8-10 and 11-13
CAM2038 subcutaneous injection



Treatment Phase Drug Liking Visual Analog Scale (VAS) Emax Scores for Baseline and Four Challenge Sessions Compared to Baseline (Completer Population) for CAM2038 q1w, 24 mg
大体时间:17 days
Treatment Phase Drug Liking Visual Analog Scale (VAS) item "At this moment, my liking of this drug is" for Baseline and Four Challenge sessions Compared to Baseline (Completer Population) for CAM2038 q1w, 24 mg, where values can range from 0 (strong disliking) to 100 (strong liking) and 50 is the neutral point. Higher scores mean worse outcome.
17 days
Treatment Phase Drug Liking Visual Analog Scale (VAS) Maximum Effect (Emax) Scores for Baseline and Four Challenge Sessions Compared to Baseline (Completer Population) for CAM2038 q1w, 32 mg
大体时间:17 days
Treatment Phase Drug Liking Visual Analog Scale (VAS) item "At this moment, my liking of this drug is" for Baseline and Four Challenge sessions Compared to Baseline (Completer Population), where values can range from 0 (strong disliking) to 100 (strong liking) and 50 is the neutral point. Higher scores mean worse outcome.
17 days
Inferential Analysis Results Drug Liking Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for Maximum Effect (Emax) Scores for Qualification/Baseline and Four Challenge Sessions (Completer Population) for CAM2038 q1w, 24 mg
大体时间:17 days
Inferential Analysis Results Drug Liking Visual Analog Scale (VAS) item "At this moment, my liking of this drug is" for Qualification/Baseline and Four Challenge sessions (Completer Population) for CAM2038 q1w, 24 mg, where values can range from 0 (strong disliking) to 100 (strong liking) and 50 is the neutral point. Higher scores mean worse outcome.
17 days
Inferential Analysis Results Drug Liking Visual Analog Scale (VAS) Maximum Effect (Emax) Scores for Qualification/Baseline and Four Challenge Sessions (Completer Population) for CAM2038 q1w, 32 mg
大体时间:17 days
Inferential Analysis Results Drug Liking Visual Analog Scale (VAS) item "At this moment, my liking of this drug is" for Qualification/Baseline and Four Challenge sessions (Completer Population) for CAM2038 q1w, 32 mg, where values can range from 0 (strong disliking) to 100 (strong liking) and 50 is the neutral point. Higher scores mean worse outcome.
17 days


Inferential Analysis Results for Unipolar High Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for Maximum Effect (Emax) (Completer Population)
大体时间:15 days
Inferential Analysis Results for Unipolar High Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for Maximum Effect (Emax) (Completer Population) comparing hydromorphone challenge doses in each of the baseline and four challenge sequence with each other, presented as Least Squares (LS) Mean with Standard Error (SE) and 95% Confidence Interval (CI). VAS item "At this moment, I feel high" where values can range from 0 (Not at all High) to 100 (Extremely High).
15 days
Inferential Analysis Results for Unipolar Good Drug Effects Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for Maximum Effect (Emax) (Completer Population)
大体时间:15 days
Inferential Analysis Results for Unipolar Good Drug Effects Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for Maximum Effect (Emax) (Completer Population) comparing hydromorphone challenge doses in each of the baseling and four challenge sequences with each other, presented as Least Squares (LS) Mean with Standard Error (SE) and 95% Confidence Interval (CI). VAS item "At this moment, I feel good drug effects" where values can range from 0 (Not at all ) to 100 (Extremely).
15 days
Analysis of Treatment Phase Unipolar Bad Drug Effects Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for Maximum Effect (Emax) in 24 mg CAM2038 q1w Group (Completer Population)
大体时间:15 days
Analysis of Treatment Phase Unipolar Bad Drug Effects Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for Maximum Effect (Emax) in 24 mg CAM2038 q1w group (Completer Population) , presented as Least Squares (LS) mean with Standard Error (SE) for all 3 doses of hydromorphone in baseline and 4 Challenge Sessions. VAS item "At this moment, I feel bad effects" where values can range from 0 (Not at all) to 100 (Extremely).
15 days
Analysis of Treatment Phase Unipolar Bad Drug Effects Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for Maximum Effect (Emax) in 32 mg CAM2038 q1w Group (Completer Population)
大体时间:15 days
Analysis of Treatment Phase Unipolar Bad Drug Effects Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for Maximum Effect (Emax) in 32 mg CAM2038 q1w group (Completer Population) , presented as Least Squares (LS) mean with Standard Error (SE) for all 3 doses of hydromorphone in baseline and 4 Challenge Sessions. VAS item "At this moment, I feel bad effects" where values can range from 0 (Not at all) to 100 (Extremely).
15 days
Analysis Results for Unipolar Desire to Use Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for Maximum Effect (Emax) (Completer Population)
大体时间:15 days
Analysis Results for Desire to Use Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for Maximum Effect (Emax) (Completer Population) comparing hydromorphone challenge doses in each of the baseline and four challenge sequence with each other, presented as Least Squares (LS) Mean with Standard Error (SE) and 95% Confidence Interval (CI). VAS item "At this moment, I desire opiods" where values can range from 0 (Definitely not) to 100 (Definitely so).
15 days
Analysis Results for Bipolar Alertness/Drowsiness Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for Maximum Effect (Emax) (Completer Population)
大体时间:15 days
Analysis Results for Bipolar Alertness/Drowsiness Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for Maximum Effect (Emax) (Completer Population) presented as Least Squares (LS) mean with Standard Error (SE) for all 3 doses of hydromorphone in baseline and 4 Challenge Sessions. VAS item "At this moment, my mental state is" where values can range from 0 (Very Drowsy) to 100 (Very alert), with 50 being neutral (Neither drowsy nor alert).
15 days
Analysis Results for Unipolar Any Drug Effects Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for Maximum Effect (Emax) (Completer Population)
大体时间:15 days
Analysis Results for Unipolar Any Drug Effects Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for Maximum Effect (Emax) (Completer Population) presented as Least Squares (LS) mean with Standard Error (SE) for all 3 doses of hydromorphone in baseline and 4 Challenge Sessions. VAS item "At this moment, I fell any drug effects" where values can range from 0 (Not at all) to 100 (Extremely).
15 days






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