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Studying Survivorship Care Plans in Head and Neck Cancer

2020年1月14日 更新者:Duke University

Comparison of Enhanced Survivorship Care Plans in a Head and Neck Cancer Clinic to Standard of Care

The study will focus on survivorship care for head and neck cancer patients cared for within Duke Cancer Center clinics. Standardized survivorship care plans (sSCP) are being implemented based on the American Society for Clinical Oncology's criteria. These documents provide a summary of treatment received, and list side effects and follow-up information after cancer treatment. Taking advantage of this transition, the investigator will study three groups of patients: (a) early survivors treated before the sSCP was implemented, (b) early survivors treated after the sSCP was implemented, and (c) current patients who will receive an individualized enhanced SCP (eSCP), which will include additional information tailored to patient preferences. The investigators hypothesize that patients receiving enhanced survivorship care plans will increase their knowledge regarding their health care plan and wellness trajectory; increase their ability to identify the symptoms they most likely can expect as a result of their cancer treatment; and be more likely to engage in conversations with their PCP about healthy behaviors and screening guidelines.







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    • North Carolina
      • Durham、North Carolina、美国、27710
        • Duke Health, Duke Cancer Center





18年 及以上 (成人、年长者)





Inclusion Criteria:

  • Completed treatment for a head or neck cancer at Duke Cancer Center within 4 months of consent OR
  • Will complete treatment for a head and neck cancer at Duke Cancer Center within 3 weeks of consent AND
  • Able to read and understand English
  • Capable of giving informed consent
  • Are at least age 18.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • incompetent for interview (documented diagnosis of active psychosis or dementia) or unable to provide informed consent as assessed by the interviewer; or too sick to participate, as judged by a member of the research team





  • 主要用途:支持治疗
  • 分配:非随机化
  • 介入模型:并行分配
  • 屏蔽:无(打开标签)


无干预:No SCP Control
Patients returning for early follow-up who did not receive SCP.
无干预:SOC SCP Control
Patients returning for early follow-up who received a standard of care SCP.
实验性的:eSCP Intervention
Patients currently receiving treatment who will be enrolled to receive an "enhanced" SCP (eSCP) with additional information beyond ASCO guidelines tailored to patient concerns and preferences.
The eSCP includes a treatment summary section, a section detailing follow-up and test recommendations, a section on anticipated and potential side effects, as well as additional information specific to their experience/concerns. They will receive a patient education notebook outlining symptoms and their management that is tailored to those that the subject may be likely to experience during their survivorship care trajectory.



Head and Neck Cancer Survivor Knowledge
大体时间:5 minutes to complete 3 months after treatment end
Assesses survivor knowledge of potential cancer or treatment-related symptoms and knowledge of healthy behaviors through the use of the Head and Neck Cancer Survivor Knowledge Scale
5 minutes to complete 3 months after treatment end
Change in Head and Neck Cancer Survivor Knowledge
大体时间:5 minutes to complete; measured pre-intervention and 3 months after intervention
Assesses survivor knowledge of potential cancer or treatment-related symptoms and knowledge of healthy behaviors through the use of the Head and Neck Cancer Survivor Knowledge Scale in intervention group
5 minutes to complete; measured pre-intervention and 3 months after intervention


Distress in head and neck cancer survivors
大体时间:5 minutes to complete 3 months after treatment end
Assesses risk of distress defined within post-traumatic stress after treatment through the use of the PTSD Checklist
5 minutes to complete 3 months after treatment end
Distress in head and neck cancer survivors
大体时间:5 minutes to complete 3 months after treatment end
Assesses distress through the use of the NCCN Distress Thermometer
5 minutes to complete 3 months after treatment end
Change in distress for head and neck cancer survivors
大体时间:5 minutes to complete; measured pre-intervention and 3 months after intervention
Assesses risk of distress defined within post-traumatic stress after treatment through the use of the PTSD Checklist in the intervention group
5 minutes to complete; measured pre-intervention and 3 months after intervention
Change in distress for head and neck cancer survivors
大体时间:5 minutes to complete; measured pre-intervention and 3 months after intervention
Assesses distress through the use of the NCCN Distress Thermometer in the intervention group
5 minutes to complete; measured pre-intervention and 3 months after intervention
Uncertainty in head and neck cancer survivors
大体时间:5 minutes to complete 3 months after treatment end
Assesses uncertainty related to presence of symptoms after cancer treatment through the use of the Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale -Survivor/Caregiver form
5 minutes to complete 3 months after treatment end
Change in uncertainty in head and neck cancer survivors
大体时间:5 minutes to complete; measured pre-intervention and 3 months after intervention
Assesses uncertainty related to presence of symptoms after cancer treatment through the use of the Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scale -Survivor/Caregiver form in the intervention group
5 minutes to complete; measured pre-intervention and 3 months after intervention
Quality of life in head and neck cancer survivors
大体时间:5 minutes to complete 3 months after treatment end
Assesses quality of life in head and neck cancer patients EORTC Quality of Life Questionnaire Head & Neck (QLQ H&N35)
5 minutes to complete 3 months after treatment end
Change in quality of life in head and neck cancer survivors
大体时间:5 minutes to complete; measured pre-intervention and 3 months after intervention
Assesses quality of life in head and neck cancer patients EORTC Quality of Life Questionnaire Head & Neck (QLQ H&N35) in the intervention group
5 minutes to complete; measured pre-intervention and 3 months after intervention
Self-efficacy in head and neck cancer survivors
大体时间:5 minutes to complete 3 months after treatment end
Assesses self-efficacy in cancer patients through the use of the Self-Efficacy Scale
5 minutes to complete 3 months after treatment end
Change in self-efficacy in head and neck cancer survivors
大体时间:5 minutes to complete; measured pre-intervention and 3 months after intervention
Assesses self-efficacy in cancer patients through the use of the Self-Efficacy Scale
5 minutes to complete; measured pre-intervention and 3 months after intervention
Information processing in head and neck cancer survivors
大体时间:5 minutes to complete 3 months after treatment end
Assesses information processing in cancer patients through the use of the EORTC QLQ Information Module (QLQ INFO25)
5 minutes to complete 3 months after treatment end
Change in information processing in head and neck cancer survivors
大体时间:5 minutes to complete; measured pre-intervention and 3 months after intervention
Assesses information processing through the use of the EORTC QLQ Information Module (QLQ INFO25)
5 minutes to complete; measured pre-intervention and 3 months after intervention
Survivorship care plan perceptions in head and neck cancer survivors
大体时间:5 minutes to complete 3 months after treatment end
Using open ended questions during a qualitative interview, survivors will provide their perception of how survivorship care plans were useful or not in their care
5 minutes to complete 3 months after treatment end
Survivorship needs after treatment completion -- primary care provider documentation
大体时间:10 minutes to complete documentation review of 6 months of PCP records
Using a documentation checklist developed by the study team, discussions on survivorship needs when returning to clinic will be assessed with a focus on symptom management or incorporation of healthy behaviors to reduce cancer recurrence
10 minutes to complete documentation review of 6 months of PCP records




  • 首席研究员:Deborah H Allen, PhD, RN、Duke Health


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